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Xion POV

It's been weeks since Vanitas started courting me. I got to admit, Im surprised at his sudden changes! Ofcourse, his coldness will always be around but he got a little cheerful and hangs out with the gang often.

Everyday he would fetch me, take me home, give me roses and drops a letter in my locker. He always made time for me, he makes me smile whenever Im sad. He sometimes annoys me then he'll flirt with me, and sometimes being naughty. He would take me to beautiful places then talk random stuff there and ask me for a dinner date. He's very caring and protective too..

I noticed he's really doing his best to make me feel special everyday. I smiled as I look at him and Sora arguing, we're now at the cafeteria eating our lunch.

"Darn it Brownie! Stop pestering me!" Van whined as he put his hand in Sora's face pushing him away

"Oh cmon twin! Atleast hug me as your brother!" Sora teased as he tried to hug Vanitas but Van pushes him away

"No!" He retort so we laughed at them

"You guys have no brotherhood!" Ventus said and Sora frowned at him

"Oh yeah? What about you?!" He replied so Ventus looked at Roxas who is giving him a glare

"Roxy! Le hug!" Ven said and spread his arms for a hug

"Fvck off." Roxas retort and we laughed at them again. Ven just frowned and crossed his arms like a kid.

"Childish." Fuu commented so Ventus just frowned even more

"I am not childish.." He replied but Fuu didn't bother to reply anymore

"So let's change the topic. Xion how's Van's courtship to you?" Kairi asked with a grin so I blushed and looked at Vanitas

"Well.. Uhmm, he's sweet and considerate. Sometimes he would piss me off but he will try to make me smile again and forget my anger. He's very caring and protective too!" I said which made Van blush a little and the others teased him

"Didn't know you have that romantic side of yours twin.." Sora said with a teasing look

"Yeah right, not like you who is always playing around like a kid." Vanitas replied and Sora pouted

"Im maybe childish but Im a sweetheart too! Girls like guys like me!" He said so his brother scoffed and smirked at him

"Yeah but girls like me more." Vanitas said so I glared at him. He seem to noticed Im staring at him so he looked at me and smirked again

"But ofcourse, Im only Xion's and hers only. No other girl could steal my heart, err if I ever had one." Vanitas added but he lower his voice in his last sentence but still I heard it.

"Van.. You have a heart." I said so he looked at me and shrugged

"Maybe.." He replied so Ventus coughed and we turn to look at him

"Anyway.. I got a question guys." He asked and we just stared at him waiting for his question

"Uh.. What comes first? The chicken or the egg?" He asked and we just stared at him for a second trying to understand what he mean then Sora burst out laughing

"What the fvck?" Vanitas commented and Roxas hits his brother's head

"What an idiotic question." Roxas said and Ventus frowned

"Well, I mean it! What comes first? Is it the egg or the chicken?" He repeated so we began to laugh again with his stupid question

"Silly.. The chicken comes first coz it's the one who lays the egg!" Kairi answered but Sora shook his head disapprovingly

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now