A day without you

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Xion POV

Im now at school and it's lunch time. Vanitas didn't attend the class which made me worried for him.. I just looked at my lasagna and sighed

"Uh Xion.. that's food, you need to eat it not stare at it." Kairi began to speak up so I looked at her and smiled a little

"Oh sorry.. just thinking." I said and took a spoon of lasagna

"Thinking of Vanitas?" Ventus asked me so I nod my head

"Tss.. that guy is such a pain." I heard Roxas mumbled and eat his spaghetti

"Hey Sora.. are you okay?" Namine asked Sora who's been quiet for the whole time

"Huh? Oh yeah Im fine.." Sora said and faked a smile

"Dude, you're not good at lying.." Roxas commented and shook his head so Sora frowned at him

"Hey.. What can I do? Im just thinking of some things but Im fine.." Sora said and smiled a little

After lunch, we went to the training ground because we have an exercise again..

"Okay guys.. we'll be having a one on one battle BUT only use martial arts.. Dont use any of your powers.." Mr. Ford said and we all nod our head

"Okay.. Im going to call your names and come infront.. Roxas Kasumi and Jin Tyler.." Mr. Ford called the names so the both of them went infront

"Okay, you boys know what to do right? Begin!"

The both of them began to spar. I saw how Roxas fight like a pro, his kicks are fast. Jin tried to punch him but he ducked and did an uppercut that made Jin fell down on the ground.. We clapped our hands at them and they went back to their seat.

"Next is Sora Hiroshi and James Clarkson.."

Both of them went infront and positioned for battle, Sora seems serious which is kinda strange coz he is the jolly type..

Mr. Ford whistled signaling to start so the both of them began to spar. I saw how Sora dodge the attacks and counter it fast, James was about to punch him but he dodged it and grabbed his arm. He put his free arm at James' shoulder and was about to twist it but Mr. Ford whistled so Sora let him go

"Sora Hiroshi, I know what you're going to do and it is strictly forbidden.." Mr. Ford said in a serious voice and Sora snapped out in his unusual self then he scratched his head

"O-oh yeah.. Im sorry Sir, it wont happen again.." Sora apologized and Mr. Ford just shook his head

"Ok fine.. I'll let it slide for now but if you do it again, I will give you 3 weeks punishment." Mr. Ford said and continue to call on names..

After our training, we went outside and get our things in the locker..

"Sora, is something wrong?" I heard Kairi asked him

"Huh? Yeah ofcourse Im fine! I'll just go home first.." Sora said and stormed out of the building

"What's his problem?" Roxas asked and Kairi just shrugged

I sighed and put my books on my locker then I closed it. We exit the building and went home..

The next day..

Im now here at school and Vanitas didn't came.. I lay my head on my desk as the teacher continue to discuss..

Vanitas where are you? Im getting worried for him and I cant sleep well last night..

Lunch Time

As usual, we ate at the cafeteria.. I noticed the gang is not so lively anymore so I looked at them..

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now