Bonding Time

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Vanitas POV

It's been weeks after our date at Mr. Evans' private resort. And as usual, we're here at school talking and eating lunch. I got to admit, I am so bored at class. When that old hag teached me things made me bored also but he would make me suffer if I dont listen to him.

I looked at my friends who are laughing about their topic of pick up lines. I shook my head as Ventus and Sora are saying pick up lines to each other which is very gay. I mean really, saying pick up lines with the same gender?

"Hey Ventus, are you a teeth?" Sora asked him and Ven would flash a goofy grin

"Why?" He replied

"Coz I cant smile without you!" Sora said and they laughed while I just shook my head again

"Hey Vanitas, are you a lab?" Ventus began to ask me so I lift an eyebrow at him

"No, Im a scientist. Do you want me to experiment you and change you into a potato inside my lab?" I replied so the others laughed while Ventus just pouted.

"That would be great." Roxas commented and laughed. You know what, Roxas is a little jolly now, not like before that he's an emo and would look at me sharply.

I also noticed that him and Namine are very close, well I mean closer than before. I smell something fishy about them but I'll mind my own business.. Besides, it's their love life xD

"You know what Vanitas? I wanted to drown you.." Xion suddenly said in a very serious face and the others looked at her with wide eyes. My brows furrowed at her and I dont know.. I felt kinda sad about that drowning part.. Why would she want to drown me??

"What?! Why?!" I snapped at her. She flinched a little but then smiled. What the? She wanted to drown me and she would just smile??

"I wanted to drown you with my love!" She said and the others teased us. It took me seconds until it registered in my mind that she is just saying a pick up line. I sighed in relief and shook my head at her, smiling a little.

"Ha ha.. Very sweet princess.." I commented but she just lift an eyebrow at me

"Eh? You dont like it?" She asked and pouted so I chuckled at her

"Well, it almost killed me though.." I said so she frowned and did the puppy eyes which made her cuter..

"Oh Im sorry Vani.." She said but I just ruffled her hair making her frown even more

"Nah, I have one for you.." I said with a smirk so they all looked at me intently waiting for my pick up line

"Xion, your lips is like chocolate.." I said so she blinked at me but smiled anyway and asked "why?"

"Because it's so sweet that I cant get enough of you." I answered with a smirk then her eyes widened and she blushed. I heard the others laughed and teased us but I just looked at her red face..

"Whoo it's so hot in here!" Ventus said while using his hand as a fan

"Yeah Ven! Dude, I can sense fire!" Sora replied and they would laugh again..

"Shu-shut up!" Xion said still blushing so I chuckled at her and lean closer to her

"So can I have some chocolate?" I asked still smirking so she playfully slapped my shoulders and pushed my face away

"Stop it.." She said and pouted

"Xion, you're all red!" Namine commented and laughed at her friend.

"Hey Xion, dont pout.. Vanitas will be tempted to eat chocolate if you do." Kairi said so they all laughed again

"Oh yeah, Im getting tempted now.." I said so Xion bit her lips and looked away

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now