Day of training

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Vanitas POV

We're here now in the training ground.. It's wide and you can do whatever you want.. it has a barrier so the place wont break down if ever a powerful skill is used. They said they have to gather a lot of wizards to cast a powerful defence magic for this room just for training.

"Alright.. first I want you all to know what's your power element.. In order to know it.. sit down and do what I did" Mr. Greene said and sat down using indian seat but it's kinda different.. we followed him

"then.. put your hands in front of you..stick them together, like you're about to wash your face like this" he showed us and the others laughed maybe because of the way he explained it..

"now.. focus on your energy.. listen to what your heart says.. feel the electricity in your body.." he said and demonstrate it to us.. A few seconds later we saw tiny sparks around him and a lightning bolt image was shown above his hand.. Listen to what my heart says? Psh! Such nonsense! I can do that without a heart! Anyway, as I can see in his hand.. He has the lightning element. The image and sparks are gone and he open his eyes.

"got it students? now.. start!" he said and the others tried to concentrate.. the others failed but the others succeed.. in the end, they all did it.. I saw Xion, and hers is.. a ball of light and there are a little darkness running circles in the light..

so she has a little of darkness huh?

"wow Xi! I didn't know you have some darkness.. dont tell me he-"

"Shut up Kai.. He didnt do anything to me"

"what about you mr. Evans?" I heard mr. Greene called me.. I looked at him and the other students are staring at me too..

"Sir.. You already know my power and-"

"Yes I know you power but still.. it's part of the test.. just do it Evans.." Mr. Greene said so I got nothing to do but to show it to them..

I focused on my dark energy.. I can feel electricity flowing in my body.. I open my eyes and I saw in my hand a dark orb as expected.. I saw Mr. Greene's eyes widened.. I wondered why so I stopped.. Mr.Greene coughed and stared at me

"Now that we're done.. I'll tell you what's the meaning of the energy outside your body everytime you focus on your power..In the hand, It shows your type of power element.. Sometimes, It will change if you learned a new power.. Some learns three.. For example this *shows a picture of a doubled power ability* It shows that It has fire but there is water around it.."

"Just like Xion's! She has the power of light but there are lines of darkness running around in circles!" Said Xion's red haired friend..

"Exactly! And as for the energy around you.. if it's a little weak it means you're still weak.. If it's strong or thick, it means you have a powerful power in you.. but ofcourse, the ones with the weak doesnt mean you're really just means that you need to train more harder.. You'll know how powerful it is by just feeling it and how the ground shakes or how the surroundings change and from what I seen.. The most powerful here is Evans." Sir said and looked at me smiling

"I also dont know why this school lets you enroll here but I know there is a reason.. Vanitas, I know darkness is hard to control.. how did you managed to control it?" he asked

"I was trained since I was 4.." many gasped and was shocked on what I said

"really?? wow.. I didnt knew that a four year old can be trained to control a power like that.. Im glad you're here with us today" he smiled so I looked away..

"So class.. since that we still have time.. it's time to call on our weapons?" after what he said..the class became excited..

"In order to summon your weapon.. you need to call it out with all your heart and power.. it is also the same on how you focus to unleash your element power.."

the students got what he said and tried to summon their weapons.. others got a sword, bow and arrow, gun, and some other stuffs.. others got the keyblades and Xion and her friends are one of the keyblade wielders..

"It's your turn Vanitas" Mr.Greene said so I summoned my weapon.. others couldn't believe that I have a keyblade.. well, who says that keyblades are only for light wielders and other elements?

"alright! So that's all for today! I know you enjoyed and see you again tomorrow!" Mr.Greene said and the students are now going home but I just stayed there for 20 minutes, just sitting and thinking of some things. I decided to go home so I walked to the door and opened it but stopped when I saw her infront of me

Roxas POV

While we're in training I cant help but look at the happy face of Xion.. You guys want to know what we got? well, I got some black mist.. Unfortunately, Its related to darkness but still.. It's not a bad one, not like Vanitas.. They said this power can make me disappear and move like a shadow.. but there are tiny sparkle of lights around it so I think I also got the power of light.. My twin brother Ven, got Light and gravity.. so he can float to wherever he wants -_- Kairi got Light and Charm.. Charm doesnt mean that you can seduce a person.. you can blink to whatever you want and has the power of laser.. That's the meaning of charm here.. While Namine got Light and Ice Crystal.. An Ice crystal is a rare power.. You can create a crystal or Ice and what made it unique is that you have this notebook.. example, you wanted to trap your enemy.. so you draw him and put a crystal cage .. It wont take long as long as you focus on the energy and imagination and when you open your eyes.. The image you saw in your mind is in the notebook and you saw your enemy in the cage.. awesome right? I wont wonder why she have that power, She's good at drawing..

"What about you Mr. Evans?" I heard Mr. Greene said so all our attention are on Vanitas..

"Sir you already know my power and-" he was cut off by Mr.Greene so he did what we did and.. I know he has darkness but I didnt know it could be this powerful! I can see the darkness around him.. the color of the room seems to dim.. Vanitas wondered why we reacted like this so he stopped..

After Mr. Greene's explaination, He asked Vanitas about how he can control darkness..

"I was trained when I was 4" He said like he's bored.. My eyes widen and so are the others.. How the hell can he be trained in that age? Is his parents that depressed to see their child suffering? But he's an Evans.. All I know is that the Evans are Light wielders so how? ugh! I dont want to think anymore, He's a pain..

"Oh really? I didnt know that a four year old can be trained to control a power like that.. Im glad you're here with us today" Mr.Greene said and smiled

We proceed on summoning weapons.. Fortunately, the five of us got the keyblade.. we looked at Vanitas again and he summoned his.. keyblade?? Right.. not all keybladers are for light wielders.. Now it's time for dismissal so we all go outside to go home..

"ahmm..wait guys.. I forgot something again in the training room" Xion said and went off.. I dont want to follow her coz maybe she'll get mad but I got this urged to do it so I did..

"I'll catch up with you later guys.." I said and ran off not bothering waiting for their response..

I saw that she was about to open the door when someone opened it and Vanitas was there.. they stood there for a second and I saw how Xion can smile infront of him.. how can she smile to that guy?? I can see the shock and surprise in Vanitas' face and looked away.. He walked past her but Xion called him

"Vanitas.." Xion

Vanitas stopped not bothering looking back at her

"You sure are powerful.. and its a good thing! I hope someday I'll be as powerful as you!" Xion said smiling.. what the heck Xi? What is good about a dark user guy to have such a powerful aura?? I saw Vanitas.. wait.. did he just.. smile?

"I'd be looking forward for that.. train hard Xion.." He said and was about to go

"Call me Xi.. Take care Van.." Xion said..

only her friends can call her Xi! dont tell me she's gonna try to be friends with him?

"ok...Xi.." Vanitas said and walked away.. I was standing there dumbfounded.. There is no way in hell she'll be friends with that guy.. I saw Xion went inside and got her notebook that she left.. I shook my head and ran to her

"oh hey Roxy.. why are you here?" She asked

"Oh I also forgot something in the homeroom so I went back to get it" I reasoned out.. she nod her head and now we went home

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now