Battle Event 1

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Xion POV

We're all here in the battle area.. It's so wide that you can do whatever you want! In the four corners of the field, there are lights but it's not in use for now.. and there are four TV screens so you can see the faces of the strugglers battling.. There are so many students and we're all excited in this big event! If you are one of the four winners, you will have a plus 30% grade, cash and some other prizes.. those 4 winners are by Year.. 1 winner for the freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior.. today is the battle of the freshmen.. And we'll also know the winner this day! And I cant wait!

"Alright now everyone! Are you ready for the freshmen battle competition?!" The MC said with excitement and the students scream loud

"Okay! There are 16 chosen strugglers! If who ever wins in the first round will proceed to the second round! There are only four rounds here so Strugglers! Be ready!!" The crowd scream and cheered..

Me and my friends went to the Strugglers Room.. We'll be waiting there.. We went inside and saw the other students. There is a big TV screen and I saw the MC on screen..

"And let's call up the first two strugglers to fight! Let's give it up for Prince Johnson and Rocky Yu!"

I saw the two guys go in their place and went to the teleporting machine.. They disappear and now they're in the battle field.. I can hear the crowd cheering.. The battle was tensed and they're both good.. But in the end, Prince Johnson won..

"Prince can now proceed to the next round! Next up! Namine Kiyomizu and Nadalee Sompsons!"

Our eyes widen and looked at Namine.. She seems nervous but she smiled at us

"Well.. wish me luck guys" She said giving us a reassuring smile.. we nod and smiled back..

"Good luck!!" She walked to the machine and now she's in the field..

"Well well well! Two beautiful ladies are in front of us! Black beauty and White Beauty!" The students laughed and cheered

"Alright! Ready girls?? Now.. Begin!"

After what the MC said.. Nadalee began to unleash her power.. She summoned a spear and she got nature element.

Namine unleashed her power and you can see a crystal light.. Her eye color changed into Light blue mixed with crystal white.. I was amused! Did she trained that hard?

She summoned her crystal keyblade.. Nadalee rushed to her direction and tries to hit her with her spear but Namine blocked it using her keyblade.. She pushed the spear away and jumped away from Nadalee.. I saw her breathed deep then exhales and this time she rushed to Nadalee.. She tried to hit Nada nonstop but it seems the enemy is fast.. Nada's eyes changed into green and a vine popped out in the ground and grabbed Namine's foot.. It throw her away.. Namine tried to get up but Nada trapped her in a cage of vines.. The vines are whipping her and I can see the pain in her face.. but we were surprised when the cage broke and we saw Namine inside a barrier with spikes.. She landed on the ground and summoned a notebook.. Oh no, dont tell me she already know how to use that?

She closed her eyes and started to draw.. A light was seen in the notebook and she open her eyes and pointed the pen to Nada.. Nada was wondering what she was doing and the next thing we knew it.. A pile of light suddenly appeared on the ground and grabbed Nadalee's hand and feet.. She is unable to move.. Namine started to draw again and this time a bud of flower starts to trap Nada inside.. It's like a crystal cage.. We can see tiny sparks of light inside the bud and we saw the painful expression of Nadalee's face inside. It's like her power is being drained. Namine just stand there with a blank expression in her face. I shivered.. It's my first time seeing her like that.. It's not like the Namine I know..

We saw that Nadalee is unconcious so the bud began to shatter and the chain of light that is holding her faded.. The crowd became silent and speechless.. We are all amazed..

"Namine Kiyomizu is the winner!" The MC suddenly said and the crowd cheered .. We smiled and saw Namine back to her old self.. We saw her disappeared and appeared in the machine.. We greeted her

"Congratulations Namine! I cant believe what I just saw! It is so not you!" Kairi Said

"Thanks guys" She said and smiled

"Congratz Nami" Roxas said and patted her head.. She seems shocked and looked down a little

"Th-thanks Roxas" She said and her face turned red

"Aww Twin! Get your hands off in Namine's head.. she's allergic to you!" Ven teased and Roxas hit his head

"Shut up!" Roxas said and we all laughed

I looked around and saw Vanitas in the bench.. He's alone again.. I was about to go and talk to him until

"Next is Xion Reito and Kairi Aiko" Said the MC.. My eyes widen.. We're next!!

"Good luck Xi!! I wont go easy on you!" Kairi said and go to the machine.. I took a glance at Vanitas, I saw him staring at me.. He gave me a small smile.. It was my first time seeing him smile.. I smiled back then I hurried to the machine..

3rd person POV

Kairi and Xion are now in the field.. the crowd is going wild and their friends are a little nervous..

"alrighty Girls! Are you ready?" The MC asked.. they both nod

"Okay now let's begin!"

The two girls unleashed their energy

Kairi has a pink circle at the ground where she is standing.. She summoned her keyblade and her eyes turned to blue from pink.. A pink light is running circles in her body.. she is using her charm..

While Xion unleashed her energy.. Light and Dark.. She summoned her Keyblade and her body is glowing but there are dark energy on her hand and a small dark aura also running circles in her body..

Kairi used blinked and appeared in Xion's back.. Xion sensed her presence so she blocked the attack of her friend.. She back away and did a combo to Kairi.

Kairi blocked all of Xion's combo but her friend unleashed a finishing combo. Xion backed away a little and her keyblade glowed.. She hit her keyblade in the ground and a ball of 4 lights appeared around her. Kairi was blown away because of the impact. She landed on the ground and saw Xion coming her way for another attack.. She uses blink to escape and fire a laser at her friend.. Xion didnt saw it coming so she was hit..

Xion stand up and felt pain in her body. Her arm was hurt but she didnt mind.. She used her dark power.. She saw her friends shadow so she used it to catch Kairi.. Her friend didn't expect it so she was caught by her own shadow. Xion pointed her keyblade to her friend. The dark energy is now covering her keyblade with darkness mixed with light.. She throw it to Kairi and she got hit, the blade disappeared but the dark energy and glitters of light stayed at Kairi's body draining her energy.. The shadow that is holding her is now back to normal and Kairi fall to the ground weakly.. Xion walked over to her friend and extended her hand.. Kairi looked up with an exhausted expression.. She smiled and accepts Xion's hand and stand up..

They went back to the room and their friends greeted them..

Vanitas was staring at Xion's exhausted face.. He cant deny it.. He is impressed with her and her friends.. They have unique powers and abilities while he only have darkness.. He's tired because he trained hard again 4am in the morning.. Now he has 53% of his power.. He smirked at that thought because he can now use one of his best abilities and skills..

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now