A time in the ZOO

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(N/A) Harro~ dunno if I still have a few readers or wut. Buuut~ Im still gonna type this ;3 Anyway, here is the update.. Sorry it took soooo long, I dont have anymore inspiration xD and I lost the will to write :x this story have a few chapters left (I think xD) but it will be completed in 123455789 years xD kidding! im still thinking of an ending.. Enjoy~

Hell POV

"Do we have to go in the Zoo?" I asked Vanitas as he began to put on his shoes. Im already done fixing myself and yeah.. I live in his house. James Evans would sometimes visit us and talked about the plans on how to catch Master Xehanort.

"Well, we still got nothing to do here anyway. Besides, it's weekend." He answered as he finished tying the laces of his shoes. Well he got a point since I also dont know what to do in weekends..

Both of us went to the garage and get inside his car. We went to the Cristal Zoo and saw the others are already there. We exit the car and walked towards them..

"You boys are late." Kairi said as she tap her watch showing us the time

"Oh cmon, we're only 30minutes late." Vanitas said shrugging so she rolled her eyes at his reply.

"Now that we're complete, let's go inside!" Xion spoke up, excitement is visible in her eyes.. How the hell do I know that it is even excitement?! That.. I do not know.. Vanitas went to her and held her hand as they all walk in the entrance while I was left behind staring at their back. I sighed as I remember why I was in their company in the first place.

The words of Master Xehanort came echoing my mind as I looked up in the sky. All I have to do is do what they do. But why there's this side of me saying..

I belong here?

I frowned at that thought until someone poked me in the cheeks. I looked at who it is and it was Agony with her smile.

"What?" I hissed but she just continue to smile at me

"You're left behind. I came to you to get you." She said so I began to walk in the entrance. I heard footsteps following me and Agony walked beside me.

"Could you go away? You might start pestering me again and people will think Im talking to myself." I said to her but she didn't react. I hissed and glared at her so she glanced at me and stopped walking as she put her hands on her hips.

"Excuse me Hell, but people can see me now." She said as she gave me a serious look. I lift an eyebrow at her.

"Oh really now? Prove it then.." I demanded with a smirk so her serious face turned into a smirk also and nod her head.

"Oh sure!" She glee as she turn her back at me and I saw her breathed deeply and

"EVERYONE!! DO YOU SEE THIS GUY OVER HERE?!" She shouted while pointing at me. I looked around and noticed that the people looked at her with a confused face then they all looked at me. Oh great.. So she wasn't lying afterall..

"THIS GUY OVER HERE COURTED ME FOR 5 MONTHS AND NOW HE WANTED MY ANSWER FROM HIS QUESTION! SO FOR ALL MY MIGHT OF PROOF HOW MUCH SINCERITY I HAVE IN MY ANSWER, I WANTED YOU ALL TO KNOW IT AS WELL!" She shouted again so people began to cheer on her. I blinked and my eyes went wide. what the fvck is she talking about?!! She looked at me and gave me a wink before looking back at the people around us.

"AND MY ANSWER IS A YES!! HELL KAGEM, I AM NOW OFFICIALLY YOURS!!!" She shouted with a grin as people shouted and cheered for us. I dont know what to react or what to do. I just stand in my place like an idiot with a shock expression in my face. Agony walk towards me and now we're face to face and what makes me surprised is she kissed me in the cheeks!

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now