Partners in Crime

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Vanitas POV

I stormed out of the bathroom and went to my bed where I lay the clothes Im about to wear. I wear a red v-neck shirt and black pants then I put on my black leather jacket.

I looked at the clock and it read 12:45pm so I equipped the things I need like my munny and potions. I ran to the garage and went off using my motorcycle.

I arrived at Xion's house so I began to knock the door. It opened and Xion showed up. She's wearing a leather jacket but its sleeves is only shoulder length and black shorts matching black boots.

I noticed she coughed and her cheeks are rosy red then looked away

"Wh-why are you staring at me like that? Does my clothes look horrible?" She asked insecure and shy

"No!" I snapped so she flinched and blinked at me

"I mean, no.. It looks good on you.. Let's go?" I said while scratching my head

"Uh sure.." She said and locked the door. We went to my motorcycle and we hopped on it. I started the engine and begin to drive.

At Cristal Agency

"Ah finally! You're here!" Mr. Evans exclaimed when we went inside the Teleportation Room. We sat on the couch inside getting a little comfortable.

"So hows your date yesterday?" Mr. Evans asked us with a teasing look so I glared at him.

"I told you we are not dating James Evans"

"Just kidding!" He said while putting his both hands up in the air and laughed.

"Uhmm.. So, how can we get there?" Xion asked and her cheeks are pinkish.

"Right there in that big tube." I said and pointed the machine infront of us.

"So you two love birds better get ready coz you'll be going there now." Mr. Evans said while looking at us wih a serious look. Tsk, he sure has mood swings.

"What's the objective?" I asked as we began to walk towards the machine

"Find where they came from and stop them from lingering at the town.." Mr. Evans said and gave us a smile when we enter the tube. Xion is on the other tube beside me. They started the machine and a weird sound is created with blue light appeared inside the tube meaning it's time for teleportation.

"Good luck kids!" I heard Mr. Evans said then the light swallowed me.

Traverse Town

Me and Xion arrived at Traverse Town and the place seems awfully quiet.

"Wow, it's like a ghost town.." Xion muttered and I nod my head.. I looked around the place examining it..

It seems to me that we're in some kind of a market place? I can see shops up the stairs then a big door infront of us and beside us..

"Let's take a look around.." I said

We began to walk towards the shops to see if anyone's there until three nobodies appeared.

Me and Xion summoned our keyblade to prepare for a battle.

"Ready Xi?" I asked her and she nod her head with a stern look

One nobody came rushing at us and tried to attack

"Look out!" I yelled and we both dodged it

The other two came in to attack us too so we dodge it and strike them with our keyblade. The three dusks disappeared and we withdraw our weapon.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now