Oh la la Smexy

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Vanitas POV

I lean on my car while waiting for Xion outside her house. I saw the door opened and my princess went out wearing her school uniform. She smiled as she walks closer to me so I smiled back at her.

"Morning my lovely princess." I greeted her opening the passenger seat.

"Good morning my smexy prince." She replied with a giggle and enter the car. I went around and enter to the driver seat, I looked at her with a smirk.

"Hmm.. So I am smexy for you." I said so she chuckled and looked at me.

"Well, you are." She replied and I started the engine then drive our way to school

"Sorry for yesterday Xi.." I suddenly said so I noticed her glanced at me

"Nah it's okay.. How do you feel now?" She asked

"Im fine.. We'll go out and have a date after class. Just to make it up to you." I told her so she blinked and chuckled

"Okay loverboy." She replied and pecked me in the cheeks


"Hey lovebirds!" They greeted us when we arrived at the schools entance. Sora and Ventus flashed us a grin while Kairi and Namine smiled a little and Roxas as usual, flashed us with his pokerface. Ventus and Roxas looked exactly alike but not with the attitude, just like me and Sora.

"Hello!" Xion exclaimed and flashed a smile

We all enter the school building and went to our classroom. When we arrived there, as usual our classmates are noisy.. We sat in our chair and they began to chat again.

"So Vanitas.. How are ya feeling?" Ventus asked me so I just shrugged at him

"Fine." I simply answered.. Im actually bored today and Im trying to think of another place to find Hell and Xehanort.

I looked at my friends.. Yes, you heard it. Is it the first time I called them friends? hmm, I guess so..

Anyway, I looked at them chattering about some dog or other animals.

"Oh cmon! A bird is much better than a frog.." Ventus said to Sora

"But if you let a bird out of the cage then you'll lose it! Not like the frog! It jumps but you can still catch it!" My brother replied to him

"I think a dog is much better since dogs are man's bestfriend." Kairi commented and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I like kittens." Namine said with a smile

I scratched my head at their topic. These people are really weird and crazy.. I looked at Xion who's just laughing at their debate about what's the better pet.

"What about you three?" Ventus asked Me, Roxas and Xion.. I lift an eyebrow at them.

"Well, I like puppies!" Xion exclaimed and grinned

"I'll get a worm." Roxas answered jokingly but his face was serious which made Sora and Ventus laughed

"Seriously?" They both asked while staring at Roxas. He just shrugged not caring about it.

"Dunno.. but a dog is fine." He replied. Our brothers just nod their head and now turned to look at me. I flashed them a poker face.

"Well? What about you?" Sora asked me like it is one of the important questions in life.

"Do I have to answer that silly question?" I asked him back so he pouted

"Such a kill joy.." He said so I shook my head at his childish behavior

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now