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Xion POV 

It's been what? One year.. before that incident happened. It was tough for all of us.. Up until now, I couldn't move on. It took me months to adjust myself, accepting the fact that they are now gone.

It still hurts..  Like your heart is slowly getting squeezed. But I tried to be happy coz that's what they wanted. We all tried to be happy and I guess we're okay.

Right now, it's the Cristal Festival. How I wish they were here to enjoy with us. My parents were shocked when they found out what happened and they were very sad. Everyday they'd cheer me up and Im glad they are there for me.

"Enjoy the festival with us, Xi. You dont have to think much." Kairi smiled as we walk to the entrance.

"Easier said than done." I rolled my eyes but she just giggled. We saw our friends waiting so we waved our hands as a greeting.

As usual, Sora and Ventus being funny and noisy. If it weren't for them, the group wouldn't be that lively. I can see Roxas and Namine are having their own conversations while Kairi is buying some food.

I looked around and I saw the ferris wheel. That was the place where we first kissed. I chuckled at that thought.. It feels so nostalgic. Time really does flies..

"Earth to Xion!" I snapped out in my thoughts when Kairi waved the sea-salt ice cream in my face. I blinked and smiled as I took it from her.

"Thanks." I said and she replied me with a grin. We continue to walk around, eat and play.

We are now in some restaurant and ordering some food. I sighed sadly.. damn it, I really felt incomplete without him. I was busy with my thoughts until someone behind me covered my eyes.

"Guess who~" He sang. I rolled my eyes from behind his hand and giggled.

"Knuckles?" I laughed and so are the others. He let go of me so I looked behind me seeing his frowning face.

"How could I even be Knuckles?"

"Uganda knuckles!" Sora laughed

"Do you kno ze wey mah bradah?" Ventus asked with a deep voice and german accent

"I kno ze wey.. I haz found ze queen!" Sora replied

"Where?!" Ventus exclaimed acting like he was looking for the queen

Sora walked near Kairi and said "Here mah bradas!" after he said that, they made a clucking sound so we laughed.

"OW!!! What was that for?!" Sora whined when he got hit by the head from Kairi

"You two looked like retards." She said making Sora pout

"Anyway.. Where have you been?" I  asked as I stare back at him. He smiled at me and sat down beside me.

"Well, I had a hard time kicking some assholes.." He answered making me lift an eyebrow.

"Oh Vanitas.. Xion's been sad the whole time because you weren't here. We thought you'd never come." Kairi rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh I'll never miss this day please.. This is one of those memorable days that me and Xion spent, right love?" He said and looked at me. I blinked and blushed.

"W-whatever Kagem!" He just laughed and put his arm over my shoulder. Vanitas took the menu that was on the table and began to order his food.

We all sat there talking about our vacations and about our future plans. Like, what job we would get or what kind of life we wanted.

"I just want to be with Xion till I die." Vanitas answered when Sora asked him. I blushed at that thought.. well.. why not, right?

I saw how the others smiled and started to tease us.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now