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(Van and Sora's mom in the story)

Vanitas POV

It is now Monday and Im here at the school building walking through the hallway.. Yesterday, I was searching at the other places of Cristal City since I dont have anything to do. And I also search some info about our parents so Mr. Evans helped me out.

I opened my locker and get my biology book then put it inside my bag.. After that, I started to walk and go to the room until I saw Xion infront of her locker.. She noticed me and looked at me for a while.

Im expecting she would come near me and smile but she withdraw her stare at me and walked away. I frozed as I watch her walk away from me.. That's new, she would always try to talk to me whenever she saw me but now? It's like we're strangers..

I pushed that thought away and shook my head.. Maybe she's just in a hurry and she doesn't have time to talk to me.. Yeah, that's it. I began to walk and I arrived at the classroom. I saw Sora talking to the others, I was about to call him but a teacher suddenly came inside and class started. Guess I'll talk to him later then..


"Okay class, dismiss." I lift my head up when I heard the teacher saying that.. Finally, it's break time!

"Heya Van!" I heard someone greeted me and saw it was my brother with his goofy smile

"Sora.." I said looking at him seriously. I noticed the others are behind him staring at us. When they noticed Im also staring at them, they looked away and started to walk

"Uhmm Sora? We'll head to the cafeteria first.." Kairi said and Sora nod his head

"Sure, I'll catch up with you later." He replied so they all walked out of the room. Xion just glanced at me for a second and walked away..

"So Vanitas.. what's with the serious face?" My brother began to ask so I faced him again

"Sora.. do you remember our mother's surname?" I asked him so his brows furrowed and started to think

"Ah.. yes? It's Hiroshi right? Since my uncle gave me my mom's surname than my father" He answered so I gave him a stern look again

"Well, do you ever wonder why he let you use mom's surname than dad? Do you really remember everything? Do you think mom has a brother? Why he didn't tell you the truth?" I asked him so he started to think again

"Well.. Honestly, I dont remember everything. I only remembered my mom and dad's face, then you and what happened before we got separated.. But mom's surname? I dont know, I only know Im a Kagem." He answered

"Well, what if I tell you that mom has no brother, only a sister. And mom is not a Hiroshi, she's an Evans.." I said so his eyes widened

"W-what? Wait Van, are you sure? How did you know all that?"

"Well, I searched about mom and dad's background together with mr. Evans. They said, the Kagem and Evans are once enemies but they truced when one of the members of the Kagem and Evans fell in love which is mom and dad.. They have mom's biography so that's why I know about her." I said and he looked down with a confused face

"I dont get it.. Why did dad didn't tell me?" He muttered

"Ask him..maybe he have his reasons.." I answered so he looked at me and nod his head

"Yeah, I will.. Thanks Vanitas." He said and smiled

"And by the way, Mr. Evans will change my surname now. I will be Vanitas Kagem now and not Vanitas Evans.." I informed him and Sora's smile became a grin

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now