Beach Party

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Vanitas PoV

Me and the gang finally arrived at the beach. Sora and Ventus are excited to make their sand castle. I rolled my eyes at them and put my arm around Xion's shoulder.

"Hello Kids!" One of Namine's auntie greeted us. We greeted back and she guided us to our cottage.

"Cristal Resort! One of the famous resort in Cristal City!" Sora exclaimed as he inhaled deeply and exhaled "Fresh air!" He yelled as he put both his hands up

"You look stupid." Roxas said bluntly and Sora frowned at him with a pout which made me and Hell cringed.

Namine excused herself to help her auntie prepare the food. "Wait we'll help too!" Kairi said while dragging Xion and Fuu.

"Be right back Vani!" Xion yelled as she got dragged by her friend. I just smiled at her.

"Whoa look at those smexy hot babes." Axel commented as he stared at the girls passing by wearing a bikini. Did I forget to tell you that all our friends were invited? That includes Cloud, Axel, Tifa, Riku and Mr. Evans.

"Oooh..." I looked at Mr. Evans, Ventus and Sora staring too with awe. Psh, perverts.

"Dont you dare stare at them!" I heard Tifa glared at Cloud and he just scratched his head. I looked at Riku who just simply look around the place.

"Aren't you going to join them sightseeing some girls wearing bikinis?" I asked him. He gave me a look and laughed.

"Why would I? Im not interested." He shrugged so raised an eyebrow at him. "Why is that?" I asked

"Nothing. Im not a perve." He just said. I smirked and asked him again "Maybe you like someone that is why you are not interested to any of those other girls?" He gave me a look and coughed. "No." He answered. I just shrugged not bothering to ask again. I looked at Hell and he was listening to music.

"Hey guys!" We heard Kairi called us as she went near us. She stopped and stared at Sora, Axel, Ventus and Mr. Evans having binoculars and staring at the pool. Where did the binoculars come from? No one knows.. Kairi looked at where they were looking and glared at the four. She get a newspaper in the table and slap it in their heads.





The four groaned as they looked behind them ready to scold whoever hit them but they saw Kairi with an angry face. "You perves!" She scolded

"Hey we're men! It's normal!" Axel defended with a shrug

"Yeah! And Im a single man!" Mr. Evans frowned.

"And I was just curious" Ventus said acting innocent. Kairi raised an eyebrow at them and then stared at Sora who is looking down.

"And you!" She growled and pinched his ears. "Ow ow ow Im sorry! I wasnt doin anything!" Sora cried

"Yeah right, peeking at other girls wearing bikini's using a binocular?!" Kairi growled with her face red. Oh brother you're soo in trouble..

"And where the hell did you got those binoculars?!" Kairi asked them with a glare

"Hey! Stop using my name for crying out loud woman!" Hell scolded but she just gave him her death glare so Hell just put his hands up. "Fine I'll shut up.. about pms." Hell muttered in his last sentence.

"I brought those binoculars for every boy that will come." Axel admitted

"And why would you bring em?"

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now