Graduation Day and Pool party!!

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Vanitas POV

Months has passed and it's graduation day. Im still here in my room fixing myself until I heard a knock on my door and my brows furrowed. Now who the hell went inside my house without ringing the doorbell?

The door opened and Mr. Evans popped out of the door. No wonder..

"Hey Vanitas.. Sorry I barged in. I just wanted to give you this" He said and handed me some clothes. I looked at him still my brows furrowing

"I already got clothes" I said but he just smiled

"Oh it's for your graduation!" He exclaimed

"Im just a freshmen going to sophomore. Why need graduation clothes?" I asked confused

"It means you graduated from 1st year college. It's how our school works so.. " He explained

"Now wear it. I'll wait for you downstairs. Let's go to school together." He happily said and went out of the room. I sighed and started to undress my clothes and put on the clothes he gave me

It's just a dark gray polo shirt, black pants and black shoes.. I just shrugged and put it on. Why give me a shirt when it will still be covered by those graduation clothes. After  fixing myself, I went down and saw Mr. Evans sitting at the couch while eating some chips like he owned the place.. Oh wait, It is his place since he gave this house to me. He noticed my presence so he looked at me

"Oh you're done.. Let's go?" He asked and stand up but I shook my head

"I'll use my motorcycle" I said but he protest

"No.. You'll ride in my car Van.. I know you like my gift for you and Im happy about it, but I want you to come with me since it's your graduation" He said like a demand and shrugged. I just stared at him and sighed..

"Do I have a choice?" I said and went to the door.. I saw a black lamborghini, it's rim color is neon blue and its front bumper has also neon blue design and the side of the roof has neon blue lines

"You like it?" Mr. Evans suddenly asked and I nod

"Here.. You'll drive" He said and gave me the key. I looked at him with eyes wide and took the key

"Oh cmon.. I know you like it. You want it?" He asked again with a smile. I looked at the car again. I actually like it and I want it but I already have a motorcycle so I shook my head

"Nah.. I already have that MV agusta" I just said but he laughed

"Oh cmon.. It's yours since it's not in use anymore.." He said with a sad tone in his voice so I looked at him with a question look

"I have a son just like you and that's his car. But he died because of an accident.." He said and I can see how his lips curved down a little

"But I need to move on. I know my son dont want to see me sad so I decided to give his car to you" He added and smiled again

"But it's your sons car Mr. Evans" I reminded him

"I know he wont mind.. Besides, he dont want his car unused so he'll be happy to see that someone will take good care of it and use it.." He assured me and started to walk close to the vehicle

"So.. let's go?" He asked so I nod and enter the car. I started the engine and drive to school

Ventus POV

We just arrived at school and we saw the three pretty ladies waiting for us. It's now our graduation day!

"Hey guys!" Xion greeted us

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now