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Vanitas POV

Im going to her house to fetch her as always, I stopped infront of her house and I saw her went out of the door. I smiled as she opened the door of my car.

"Hello princess.." I greeted her and she smiled then sat inside closing the door after.

"For you." I said and gave her a rose. She took it and smiled at me sweetly

"Thank you Van! It's pretty!" She glee and looked at the rose.

"A note?" She asked and started reading it. I gulped and started to drive.

"Every morning isn't the same without you. Everyday is useless without you. I feel more empty without you. So you're the reason why I woke up early and go to school. Coz baby, you're my inspiration." She read it out loud and chuckled then she looked at me with a smile.

"That's so sweet.." She said and pecked my cheeks which made me blush a little. Ugh! Fine, I admit that I blushed but it's normal.. right?

"Well, for you. I'll be sweet just for you." I said and she chuckled

We arrived at school and saw the gang is waiting for us outside, early birds as always.

"Whoo! The two couples are here!" Sora teased shouting at us as we walk towards them

"Shut up Sora.." I scold him when we arrived at their place and he just laughed

We all went to the gym but I stopped outside the entrance and held Xion's hand. She gave me a clueless look, the others seem to noticed us stopped so they turned to look at us

"Vanitas? Any problem?" Ventus asked me but I just gave them a smirk

"No, you guys go ahead. We'll catch up with you later." I said and ran away together with Xion that is still clueless of my actions


"Have fun on your date!"

"Yeah Van! Do the moves!"

I heard them shout as we continue to run. We stopped in the booths and huffed trying to catch our breath

"Why did you take me here? Dont you want to watch?" Xion asked me so I just gave her a smirk

"No? I dont want to watch a game, I'd rather stare at you for hours than watch a boring game." I said and she blushed

"Whatever.. What are we going to do here?" She asked and I put my arm around her

"Well, have our quality time together." I answered and she took my hands off her

"Oh really?"

"Yeah.. So, cmon!" I said and grab her hand dragging her to a booth where you'll get prizes if you hit 10 bullseye without fail.

"What?" She said as she watch the booth then looked at the prizes of stuff toys. Her gaze stopped to a white fluffy dog stuff toy that has a red ribbon around it's neck.

"You like that dont you?" I asked her so she looked at me and nod her head smiling

"Then I'll get it for you, my princess.." I said and took the bow and arrow

Yes, you'll have to use a bow and arrow to hit 10 bullseye

"Hello! 5 bucks per game! If you hit 10 bullseye straight without fail, you can have prizes and extra bonuses! And if you didn't and only hit 5-9 then you'll get the prizes in the silver box and 1-5 is in the bronze box." The girl said and showed us the big boxes at the side. I nod my head, so that stuff toy she likes is in the gold box.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now