The Organization 13?

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The organization 13 is on the pic! :D From left to right.. Zexion the emo boy, Vexen the brown long haired old looking man, Larxene the blonde girl with the hair that looks like an antenna, Marluxia the pink haired man, Axel with the bandana, Lexeaus is the tall man behind
Axel, then Luxord the short blonde guy, Xaldin the tallest one with dark braided hair, Xigbar with the eye patch, Demyx the mullet boy, Saix the blue haired with an X mark in his face and lastly, Mansex I mean.. Xemnas! Xion and Roxas are there too..



Zexion: And Im not.. emo.

Vexen: I look old in the pic.

Demyx: You ARE old, Vexy..

Axel: Yeah even in the game you look like an old maniac.

Vexen: I swear I will put chemicals in your foods.

Demyx and Axel: Ha! We're just kidding!

Vexen: Alright miss riz, get on with the story.. *mumbles*

Me: Roger that! Oookay! We're back! And btw? Imma add an O/C to complete their numbers as the Organization 13! Since Roxas in this story is not part of the group..

Roxas: What?! Someone will replace my throne in here?!

Demyx: D'awww poor Roxy. Dont worry, it's just gonna be here in the story!

Roxas: Yeah. Wonder who it will be?

Xemnas: You will find out soon, child.


Roxas POV

"Hey there, Roxy! Whatcha doin?" Demyx greeted as he walks towards me.

"Oh nothing.." I just said as I diverted my gaze at Xion and Vanitas who are having their usual lovey dovey.

"Oh really?" He asked and looked at the direction where I was staring before he came. "Ooohh.. I see.." He said as he nod his head.

"Y'know what?"

"What?" I asked

"Dont bother glancing at them. Know what else is good to glance at?" He asked so I looked at him with a question look. He gave me a grin and pointed somewhere. I looked at the direction where he pointed and saw Namine wearing a white dress while carrying a basket. She saw me and she smiled as her cheeks began to be a little pinkish.

"I think she likes you." Demyx whispered so I gave him a stare but he just grinned at me.

"How can you tell?" I boredly asked but he still wears that grin on his face.

"Oh.. Let me tell you that I am sometimes good at guessing!" He proudly said which made me lift an eyebrow.

"sometimes." I pointed out so he just laughed

"Hey, atleast sometimes is good than never, right?" He said so I just shook my head at him. Now that we met new people, the group became more livelier than ever. Those guys sure are a noisy one. They said they are planning to work here now. The others are planning to be a teacher, and that is Vexen as a science teacher. Lexeaus will be a P.E coach. And I dunno bout the others. Zexion, Demyx, and Larxene are gonna enroll for school. Great.

"Hey guys! Let's take a group picture! Hurry!" Kairi suddenly yelled so we all went to the shore. They began to compress and so I joined, Namine's aunt is taking the picture and started to count.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now