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Xion POV

I groaned when I woke up from my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting my vision.. It was a little blurry at first but when my vision got clear, my eyes widen in fear. I'm in a dark room, the only light around here is the one that is in my place like a spotlight. I saw a figure at the side which is the one why I got scared in the first place, I cant see his face because he's hiding in the dark.

"Well looky here.. The princess is wide awake." The figure said as he slowly walk near me

"Who.. Who are you?" I managed to ask. He just snickered and revealed himself to me

"Hell!" I shouted when he step into the light. He just gave me a smirk.

"You got it!" He said as he begin to walk around me

"Let me go!" I yelled as I try to break free even if I know it's no use

"Sorry, I dont want to. It's useless to struggle in that situation you know." He pointed out so I glared at him

"Whatever.. Vanitas will find me! You just wait!" I said which made him laugh and grabbed my chin as he moved his head closer to mine. What the?! Is he gonna kiss me?! My eyes widen when he closed his eyes so I moved my head quickly out of his grip and did a headbutt in his head causing him to whip around. He glared at me and grab both of my cheeks tightly using one hand, I tried to endure the pain as I glared at him eye to eye.

"Listen here you little brat. All of this is part of our little plan. If he finds you, he'll die!" He spat and let go of me. He gave me smirk before he went out of the room.

I sighed and think of a way out. The chains in my hands and legs are tight. I look around seeing no signs of any other windows except for this one hole in the ceiling that is giving me light and air. I groaned in irritation until a picture of mom and dad flashed in my mind.

Oh my gosh! Mom and Dad will be so worried about me! I bet they're already looking for me now.. And Vanitas. Vanitas will freak out for sure and would do anything to find me. I smiled at the thought of him being hysterical just to find me, I bet all of them are worried by now. Oh wait, I dont even know what time it is already. How many days have I passed out? Now that I think about the day I was kidnapped, my head does hurt a little since they hit me there. I stopped in my thoughts when I heard the door slowly open and Hell went inside with a tray of food. I lift an eyebrow at him when he get a chair at the side and placed it infront of me, then he put the tray in the chair making it like a table.

"Eat." He simply said but I just looked at him sharply. Is he serious?! I cant even use my hands! Is he mocking me!? If only glaring could kill, he'd be dead by now.

"What? Are you just gonna stare at me the whole time? I know I look exactly like your boyfriend but dont fall for this face." He said with a smirk so I scoffed at his words.

"Like Im gonna fall!" I spat so his face became serious and he pushed the chair nearer to me.

"Eat or you'll be dead before your prince charming could save you." He added but I didn't moved. My stomach is grumbling but I dont care! I dont want to eat their food! Hell's face became pissed and he messed his hair in annoyance, just like how Vanitas would do if he's annoyed. Now that I think about it, he does act like Vanitas sometimes. The way he talks, look, stare, smirk, being the cold-hearted.

"Im going to melt you know that?" I snapped out in my thoughts when Hell spoke up so I looked away. I heard him sigh and the tingling sounds from the spoon and fork.

"Here." I suddenly looked at him who is now holding a spoon of lasagna near me. I lift an eyebrow at him sill refusing to eat.

"Look, I cooked this okay? I dont want it to be wasted." He growled so I blinked and looked away.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now