Blood Control

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3rd person POV

Vanitas and the others just arrived at the Agency after their class in the afternoon. They're going to have a meeting about the next world they'll be searching. Vanitas waited for Mr.Evans to come inside the meeting room while the others are talking, guessing about which world they will go next. While waiting, he couldn't help but think that their days is starting to get stressful.

"Hey blacky! What's with that stressed face?" Sora called him making Vanitas glared at him.

"One more calling me with that nickname, you're gonna get it." He warned making Sora raised both his hands up in surrender. "Okay okay! Pms much?" Sora said so Vanitas threw his I.D at him which he dodged. "Why throwing your I.D?!"

Vanitas shrugged not caring "Coz there's nothing else to throw at you." Xion called Vanitas making him stare at her "Yes, Xi?"

"Pick up your I.D.." Xion ordered in a serious manner. Vanitas sighed saying "Yes Maam.." and went to get his I.D near a wall.

"Ouch.. under." Axel snickered making Vanitas glared at him "Shut up!" he went back to his seat beside Xion, just in time Mr. Evans came. They all greeted him as he sat down to a vacant chair.

"Mr. Evans! What will be the next world we'll be searching?" Ventus asked a little excited hoping it might be another interesting new world like Lagendia. Mr. Evans hummed and glanced at Hell who is sitting quietly.

"Hell.." He called making Hell stare at him "What do you think?"

Hell thought for awhile then an idea hit him. "We haven't checked Enchanted Dominion yet at Maleficent's Castle."

Vanitas eyes widened a little remembering the place "Oh that place huh.. brings back fucked up memories."

Xion hit his head "Van!" she scolded her boyfriend for cussing making Vanitas rub his head saying sorry.

"Maleficent's Castle eh?" Mr. Evans thought for a second "Okay.. tomorrow we'll go to Enchanted Dominion."

Meanwhile, Ventus suddenly gasped getting their attention. "Oh! It's that place huh?"

"Why? What about it?" His brother Roxas asked. Ventus just smiled "I went there from a requested mission at school."

"Really?" Kairi asked

Ventus nodded his head "Yeah! The princess there is very beautiful too."

"Aurora, right." Vanitas commented and Ven nodded his head

"How come you know?" Kairi asked Vanitas in suspicion and he just shrugged "Coz I travel to different worlds before."

"Anyway.. we faced Maleficent at The World That Never Was before so I think she wont be there at her castle." Roxas thought

"What if she's back at her castle?" Namine asked

"Then we'll just have to kick her ass!" Sora exclaimed then him and Ven high fived.

After a few more talk, they decided to go home to rest.


The day has finally came where they will start searching at The Enchanted Dominion. They split into groups, the others will search at Maleficent's Castle while the others will go search at Aurora's Castle just in case there is something up.

So the group who went to Maleficent's are Vanitas, Xion, Hell, Roxas, Mr. Evans, and Namine. They are already walking on a dangerous path on the way to the castle. Heartless tried to slow them down along the way but it didn't stop them from moving forward. They try to be careful while fighting or they might fall to their death.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now