Together at the mall

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Vanitas POV

Weeks has passed after my mission on Destiny Islands. Mr. Evans told the news to Kairi and now she's with her friends there.

I am now at the mall. Im not a type of guy who likes to go to malls but I got bored so I decided to buy some food in here and some things for my house.

I took some pringles and put it on the cart. I continue walking while pushing my cart. I look around to see if there are any krispy chips here and I saw it up ahead so I went there and get three of it. I also got some vegetables and some seasoning and etc.


I feel like a mom!

I shook my head and went towards the cashier. After a minute, I payed the cashier and walk towards the baggage counter to deposit my bags of food. When done, I went to the DVD shop to buy some movies and music so whenever I got bored, I'll just watch a movie.

I looked for the pile of CD's until someone bumped into me.

"Sorry.." She apologized and looked up at me

"Fancy meeting you here Xi" I greeted her and she smiled with her cheeks a little pinkish

"Yeah.. So you're looking for some CD's?" She asked and I nod my head

"Yeah since I got nothing to do at home" I answered shrugging

"Ugh.. I know the feeling" She frowned and pouted so I chuckled

"Dont pout it doesn't suit you" I teased and continue looking at the CD's

"Hey! Many said I looked cute on it!" She argued

"And you believe them?" I said rolling my eyes

"Hmp!" She said and turned her back at me crossing her arms. I looked at her and smiled as she walked away so I chased her

"Im just joking around Xi." I said and she faced me raising one eyebrow

"Do I have to laugh now?" She asked in a sarcastic voice. I scratched my head..

"Uh no need.. Why not let's roam around the mall together?" I offered. She began to put one hand on her chin rubbing it while looking at the malls ceiling, thinking..

"I will come with you IF you dance in that Just Dance in the arcade!" She said and gave me a smirk

"What's that?" I asked with my brows furrowed. She scoffed and looked at me with a WTF face.

I began to scratch my cheek using my pointer finger and looked at her with a dull expression

She sighed then grab my hand and begin to drag me out of the shop.

We went to an arcade and there are many children and teenagers inside playing different kinds of game. We went inside and I saw one girl and one boy dancing while mimicking it on a TV screen

"That is Just Dance Vanitas.. I want you to do that!" She said pointing her finger at the screen with a smile on her face

"What?! No way!" I protest but she held her right hand infront of my face like a stop

"Yes way and you will do it!" She demanded and drag me near it

"Fine! But you'll join too!" I also said and she crossed her arms then pouted

"No way!" She protest. I smirked and walked closer to her like a couple was about to kiss. The people began to tease and cheer. I can see her eyes widen and blushed

"If you wont then I'll kiss you infront of these people" I whispered and she gulped

"Y-yeah right.. Like you have the guts.." She fight back and looked away. I held her chin and turned her to face me

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now