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Taehyung puts his last shirt in his bag in the bed, and zip up the zipper, before turning towards Jungkook, who was leaning onto the doorway.

"Well, this is it. I'm ready to head back." Taehyung says, taking a hold of his bag, smiling slightly to the other.

Jungkook straightens himself and steps away from the doorway. "I have a small gift for you before you go." He says, stepping in front of the other, and sitting on the bed, pulling him with, sitting next to him.

Taehyung looks up at the other, questioning look on his face, when Jungkook puts his hand behind him, and pulls out a small handgun, holding it in his hand, and giving it towards the stunned blond.

Taehyung stares at the smal, black pistol, before lifting his gaze up to meet Jungkook's warm smile. "I want you to have it." Taehyung reaches out and takes a gun on his own hand, weighing it a little.

"Why?" He whispers and hears a small chuckle. "So that I know you have it, and are not defenseless." Jungkook takes a hold of the other face, lifting his head a little.

His warm fingers brushes over his features, and the warm look on his eyes makes the blonds heart beat faster and butterflies in his tummy swarming crazily.

"I care about you, so much. And I need to know that you are safe when I'm not there to look over you."

Taehyung feels how the light blush rises on his cheeks from the fond, careful hold Jungkook has on his face and the softly spoken words.

"Keep it with you anywhere you are." Jungkook whispers, leaning closer to the other, not breaking the eye contact with the blond. Taehyung hums, leaning bit closer. "I will." He whispers, still mesmerized by the others burning gaze.

"Good boy" Jungkook growls, and crashes his lips on the blonds soft lips, kissing him feverishly.

Small knock from the open bedroom door interrupted their moment. Raven haired male turns around, shooting a frightening glare towards the scared, pink haired male standing in the doorway.

He blushes, lowers his gaze and stumbles over his words under the burning gaze.

"So-sorry.." Jimin stammers, trying to find a safe place where to look at. Taehyung giggles, and stands up from the bed. "We need to go now." He says softly to the still sitting male who turns his head back to look at the now standing male.

Jungkook nods, and stands up, taking a hold of the blonds small, soft hand in his own. "I'll drive you two" Taehyung nods, and looks at the still blushing Jimin in the doorway.

"You ready Chim?" Smaller male nods, and turns on his heals, and rushes out of the doorway. Taehyung looks after him questioning his weird behavior, but brushes it of, and follows the taller out of the room.


"Did you tell him yet?" Jimin asks, his face still slightly red, when he looks up to Namjoon who only shakes his head, laughing.

"I haven't been able to get him alone" Jimin nods, fiddling around, slightly nervous. He's little jumpy, when they can hear how the pair in question walks downstairs.

"Ready to go?" Taehyung chirps happily, and Jimin nods, avoiding to look at his friend. Namjoon chuckles, kissing the small male on his lips. "Baby, did you say bye to Yoongi?" Namjoon asks from the boy who nods.

"I did." Jimin nods eagerly, and earns dimpled smile from the taller. "Good boy" Namjoon hums, and Jimin beams happily, forgetting his nervousness around his friend.


After Jungkook drops the two at their apartment, Taehyung corners his friend in his bedroom, standing in the doorway, blocking the exit route.

"Tell me what's wrong" Taehyung states firmly, crossing his arms over his chest. Jimin avoids his gaze, looking around the room, his ears and neck flushing red.

"No-nothing's wrong" he tries to avoid him, but Taehyung steps close, landing his hands over the others shoulders, crouching slightly lower that he can form a firm eye contact with the fidgeting Jimin.

"Tell me, please" he whispers, and Jimin sighs heavily, lowering his head slightly.

"W-we sa-saw you and Kook" Jimin whispers. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, not quite understanding what his friend meant.

"Saw us? Wha.." Taehyung starts, but Jimin puts his hands over his face, hiding himself, and shrieking loudly.

"We saw you guys have sex in the gun range!"

Everything stops. Taehyung lets his hands drop from the others shoulders, and he steps slightly back from the other.

"Wha-what.." Taehyung stammers, his voice wavering, and his face drained from all the color.

"Wh-who saw?"

"Everyone, me, Yoongi, Seokjin, Joon and Hoseok" Taehyung stumbles back, sits down stunned. "Oh fuck." He whispers and Jimin giggles uncomfortably.

"Yeah, fuck in deed"

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