When clock strikes midnight, there is dozen black SUV's with tinted windows pulling out from the compound, containing Jungkook and his men.
Soon there is dozen cars, similar to the first ones, joining them from the side alleyways, where they were parked to not raise any suspicious.
And that's their backup.
It takes a while to them drive through the night to the place they are heading. When they reached, follow up cars are parked little further away from the first patch.
"So, Seokjin will be eyes to the group's Alpha and Delta, Hoseok to the group's Beta and Gamma, if we need Jackson's men." Jungkook says, looking over at the couple sitting behind their laptops. Both nods, and Jungkook adjusts his earpiece, to have contact to his other people in the cars behind.
"The order of going in is, us as in team Alpha, then team Beta, and if it's needed remaining two teams will come in."
Jungkook's voice holds a lot of authority when he speaks, making all of his men trust him, relaying him.
Raven haired turns towards his closest friends, asking silently if they are ready, getting small nods from all of them back.
Night air is chilly, when they step out off the warm car, dressed in their dark clothings. Jungkook, while checking his gun addresses Yoongi and Namjoon.
"You two can go from back, me and Soobin will come through front. Boys take sides."
They move in their places in silent. "Ready?" Jungkook whispers in his earpiece, and after he has confirmed that everyone was ready, he busts the door open.
Everything from there happened in hastily, blurry mess. They were shooting left and right, listening the information from the watching eyes of Seokjin and Hoseok.
Namjoon and Yoongi were looking at the back of the house, trying to find a place where they were keeping the little girl, when there is a small voice, creak from the floor boards, and frantic scream in their ear pieces.
"Gun in front! Yoongi, gun in front!"
Almost as an slow motion, Yoongi turns left, and is met a pair of burning eyes and a barrel of an gun. Pointed right at his head.
Everything happens in slowly, there is a voice of an rapid footsteps coming closer, and a sound of firing guns, and a hard impact from a body slamming into his, knocking him down.
Yoongi closes his eyes, waiting of the familiar burning from the bullet wound, but he's not feeling it, only the impact when he lands on his side to the floor, heavier body landing in top of him, shielding him.
And then he hears it, Seokjin screaming in his ear, and when he looks down, all he can see is a blood pouring out of the side of an man in top of him.
Taehyung and Jimin were walking back from the work in the early hours of the morning. Both were feeling quite weird, not really knowing why.
They are almost in their apartment, when Jimin stops, reaching out and holds his friends arm, stopping him too.
"I don't feel good" Taehyung turns around, looking at him. "I know, me too."
Jimin shakes his head, not really knowing what he was feeling, but the uneasy feeling inside his tummy makes him nervous.
"I know this sound weird, but I need to see them." Jimin whispers, and Taehyung knew what he meant, nods, and tugs him with. "Yeah, lets go"
It takes them a little over half an hour to walk over at Jungkook's place.
After they let them selfs inside, they are met with hysterical Seokjin, wrapped in Hoseok's arms sobbing his eyes out, an unfamiliar blond male holding a small, sleeping girl in his arms, and Jungkook, with his stern and hard face, pacing around in the room.
When Jungkook saw Taehyung, he stopped, making his way towards the blond, wrapping his arm around smaller waist.
"What are you doing here doll?" He whispers, and before Taehyung can answer, there is a shaking voice coming from their right.
Pink haired male turns, meeting Yoongi's red and puffy eyes, and Jimin steps closer, engulfing the other in his arms.
"What's wrong baby, tell me" Jimin whispers, holding the quietly crying male in his arms.
Yoongi tightens his hold from Jimin's shirt, and sobs out, barely audible sentence, what makes Jimin cry too.
"It was Namjoon. He saved me, but he.. he was shot"

Under the stars
FanfictionMafia au, where Taehyung is sweet sensitive nurse, who works in the emergency room. One night he ends up batching up dark, tall and handsome male, who had nasty gut.