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"I know that it's you behind this all" male growls at the crying, kneeling girl in front of him.

"No, baby I'm not!" There is a click from the gun when Jungkook takes the safety off and lifts the gun, aiming it right between her eyes.

Those eyes which were holding him so tightly in their hold, those beautiful almost black eyes, which were shining brightly at him are now crying, full with regret.

It pains him, but this needs to be done.

"I can disappear, you can tell everyone that you did it. Just let me go, if there ever was love for me"

Girl cries out, her face full of tears, her make up smeared all over.

And she is just so beautiful in his eyes.

Little by little he lowers the gun, turning half way away from the girl.

"Just run, and don't make me regret this love that I felt for you" he growls, and the girl rushes up and runs away.

Without even a glance towards the silently crying male.

Jungkook shakes his head, trying to get the memory out. She had run away, making him believe that he would never need to meet her again.

But she had made a grande entrance in his life again.

Raven haired male pushes the heavy door open, stepping inside of the conference room glancing quickly around of the people sitting around the table.

"Thank you all for coming here in this short notice" he says, and steps in front, facing the others in the room.

"As some of you might know, we have had some issues with the smaller thugs lately." He starts, his gaze meeting Jackson's, who nods, and he lets his eyes wander around.

"And we have faced some more. There has been attack in one of our family member, and he is currently been held hostage."

There are some quiet murmurs around the room, when they all count his people, seeing that all his claimed family members are present.

"He is someone dear to me, and it has brought in our knowledge that the attack is made purposefully towards me."

Namjoon steps up, standing next to the stone faced male. He clicks few buttons and clip from the hospital's surveillance camera is shown on the screen.

There is a small hiccup from Jimin, when they are shown how Taehyung is attacked, blond trying to fight back, but unfortunately thug is bigger, and he is soon overpowered.

"We have reserved few messages, and can tell that he's still alive." Namjoon says.

"Hoseok is still working on to finding where they are located, but we already know who is behind all this." This time it Yoongi who speaks, making everyone to turn around to face him.

He sit there, looking really bored, leaning back in his chair, his feet up in the table in front. But his eyes are burning with unusual hatred.

"Who are we talking about? Who is trying to raise up a war by attacking your family?"

Unsurprisingly, it Jackson, who speaks up. He was closest to them, and little more at ease with the others.

"It's someone who should have died a long time ago"


It took Hoseok four more days to find out where they had send the messages, and one more day to them a form a plan.

But catching her was not that easy. When Jungkook and his men raided the house, they only found a bloody cellar, with a baseball pat, and picture of bruised Taehyung, with a message.

"Not fast enough, I thought you would be better at this?"

Jungkook was filled with anger when he saw the message left behind, and now they were clueless.

Jackson had tracked down all the people who Kris had been hanging around in his gang, and they were brought back to Jungkook's.

Roughing them up didn't help, they did know nothing.

Agonizing days went by, making Jungkook crazier every day that passed by.

Hoseok and Namjoon were working day and night, trying to find something to help them locate the missing male, but they kept hitting their heads on the wall.

Nothing came up.

Jimin had returned to the work, telling them that the hospital needed him more now, when Taehyung was missing, and someone needed to fill in.

"This is too calm. Nothing has happened since she took him, and this doesn't feel right." Hoseok crumbles, looking over the monitor, trying to get a glimpse of someone from the other side.

"I know. I don't like this." Namjoon answers back at him, and looks over to the hospital's stream, checking on Jimin.

He furrowed his eyebrows, questioning what he saw, because something didn't feel right. He checked his watch, and then concentrates at the video playing.

He sees how Jimin walks down the hallway, and steps in the room. He waits to see when the other male steps out, but he doesn't.

He doesn't understand what's happening until the loop plays again, and he can see Jimin walking down the hallway.

"Oh fuck!" He shouts, reaching for his phone and typing Jimin's number on it, calling him.

"The number your trying to call, is unavailable right.."

"Fuck!" Namjoon shouts, slamming his phone on the table in front. Hoseok has rushed over and tries to uncover the real footage under the replaying loop.

And when he's ready, he reaches over on his on phone, holding it up on his ear. It rings twice, before grumpy voice answers.

"I have bad news." He says, his and Namjoon's eyes both glued on the screen, where is petit woman, dressed in tight black dress, and smiling at them, waiving a little, as she knew they were watching. His companion is carrying unconscious Jimin over his shoulder.

"They have Jimin"

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