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A.n. Four chapters more until this is finished.



"You sure this is what you want?" Director Song asked from the two nurses standing in front of his desk.

Both males bow at him, and it's pink haired male who answers. "Yes sir, we both have been offered a place in a private ward"

Director Song leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is that so? Where to, if I may ask?"

"In a Jeon groups private healthcare staff" Taehyung answers, his voice low, but clearly heard inside the quiet office. Director Song leans up, landing his arms in the table.

"Is that so. Well, take care, and if things doesn't go as you thought, you two can always come back."

Both males nod, and bow again, quickly moving out of the room.

Taehyung leans his head on the wall when they exit out, and exhales loudly.

"Well that was terrifying" Jimin says, and Taehyung giggles, looking at his friend.

"I'm not quite sure about it, I think we have been in situations that were more terrifying." Jimin nods, looking up at the surveillance camera, and then back at the blond leaning on the wall.

"Well, that's true my friend."

Taehyung kicks himself off from the white wall, and wraps his arm around, pulling him with him.

"But tell me, how does it work?" Taehyung leans on his ear, whispering playfully at him.

"How does what work?" Jimin asks, his ears turning already red, even he tries to play it off.

"How does it work, having a two boyfriends? Do they take turns with you or are you always stuffed with two..." Blond asks laughing, groaning little when pinks tiny fist punches him in the stomach.

"Shut up" Taehyung laughs happily, when flustered, and red faced Jimin stomps away from him.

"But please, tell me, you have seen us, it's only fair!"

Jimin only flips his finger up at Taehyung, making the blond laugh even louder.


"So how's things?" Seokjin asks, stepping inside Jungkook's office, looking at the frustrated male sitting in his chair, pulling his hair.

"I don't know what to do." He groans, and whips his head up, staring right at the other.

Seokjin sit in the corner of his desk, twirling his hair around his finger. "Tell me more"

"I asked Taehyung to move in with me, as Namjoon had asked Jimin."

"And how's that a bad thing?" Seokjin asks, looking curiously at his friend, who pulls his hair again.

"Well, he said no"

There is loud thumb, and things fall off from the table by the force when Seokjin slams his hands on the table.

"What do you mean he said no!"

Seokjin's scream alerts others walking past, and soon there is three more males standing in front of flustered Jungkook.

"What's happening?" Hoseok asks concerned, stepping towards his boyfriend, wrapping his arm around Seokjin's waist.

"Well, Jungkook here have faced a major setback." Seokjin starts, and Jungkook jumps up from his chair. "No!"

Three pairs of questioning eyes are staring at Jungkook, who stares at the dark haired male sitting on his desk.

"They need to know" Seokjin says, crossing his arms over his chest. "They do not need to know, I can figure it out by myself" Jungkook growls, but as always, Seokjin is not listening.

He turns to lean towards his boyfriend, whispering something on his ear.

"What!?" Red head screams and loosens the hold from his waist to look him in the eyes.

"Taehyung said no?!"

Jungkook groans, sitting back down on his chair and placing his face on his hands.

He can hear the whispering, but he knows they have nothing smart to say, so he chooses to ignore them.


"Well, I think this is last of your boxes" Taehyung says, placing medium sized cardboard box on the floor, next to the dozen others.

"I think so too. Than you" Jimin says and looks at his friend. Taehyung looks over at the mountain of stuff they had backed, and he can feel himself getting sad over the idea of Jimin leaving him.

"Oh don't cry baby, I'm sure Jungkook will ask you soon enough, and you don't need to be alone" Jimin says, wrapping his arms around Taehyung. Blond sniffles, and hugs him back shortly, before pulling back.

"Well, he did already." Blond confessed, making Jimin stop in the middle of the step.

"What? He did?!" Taehyung nods shyly, lowering his head. "What did you say to him?"

"I said no"

There is a loud crash when Jimin falls on the floor, knocking down their key bowl, and the small table they have in the corridor. 

Taehyung rushes to aid his friend, but Jimin only lifts his hand up, stopping the blond.

"Excuse me, you said what?"

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