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Clicks from keyboard can be heard in the quiet room. Fluorescent light is illuminating the face of the person sitting behind the monitor, his fingers tapping the keyboard furiously.

In the room, there is four more monitors scattered around the wall, displaying the live clips from around their town's surveillance cameras, showing him people walking around.

In the monitor he is working on is the hospital's surveillance video running backwards, he's trying to see what they had missed, his eyes focused solemnly on the video.

"Oh fuck" he groans, and stops the feed, pushing his chair out and running out of the room.

He needs to find Jungkook, and he needs to find him fast.


Pained howl leaves the blonds lips, when he tries to move his body spread around the floor.

Shackles are scraping the floor when he moves his legs a little. Chain is cold on his exposed skin, and it's already broken his skin, making his ankle bleed a little.

His eyes are burning from the shed tears, his jaw was pulsating from the hit and his whole body was aching.

He tries to look around the room, but it's too dark to him see, only a small, dirty window letting small sliver of light in the room. He's shivering from the cold, his scrubs not sheltering him from the harsh coldness.

Blond pulls his legs closer, trying to harbor the warmth. He feels like crying, afraid for his own life, and also Jimin's. Helplessly he can only sit here, chained to the wall and wait someone to find him.

Heavy door in his cell opens, and he can hear how clicking from high healed shoes coming closer. He scoots as far in the corner as his chains let him, afraid.

Clicking stops, and now, in the middle of the room stands small, petit woman. Her midnight dark hair is cut in the sophisticated shoulder length bob, and she is dressed in tight knee length black dress. Beautiful, cold woman with deadly aura.

But only thing Taehyung seem to be concentrating is those bright red high heels on her legs.


Hoseok runs in long, dark hallway. He knows now who has taken Taehyung.

But he doesn't know how to tell it to Jungkook, so he's running towards Namjoon's room for advice.

He finally made it to the others room, and trying to staple his breathing, he knocks at the door.

Shirtless Namjoon opens the door, and that's nothing new to Hoseok so he pushes past the taller in his bedroom.

What's new to the runner though, is two smaller males, equally shirtless, and possible more clotheless than standing male, lying in the Namjoon's bed.

"I won't ask, but that's only because i have something extremely important to tell you" Hoseok says, turning towards the blushing taller.

"I know who has Taehyung, but I don't know how to tell it to Jungkook"


Hoseok, Namjoon and now also dressed Jimin and Yoongi, are all standing behind Jungkook's office door.

"Are you sure that he's here?" Hoseok whispers to Namjoon, who nods. "I'm sure"

Tallest of the four knocks on the door, and they stand all there, waiting permission to enter.
There is a small mumble from inside and Namjoon steps out and pushes the door open.

Jungkook sits there, behind his table, whiskey glass in his hand, and empty look in his eyes.

"I don't want to see you Namjoon" his hoarse voice rings through the silence.

"I know, but we have something to tell you" taller answers, and winks the other three males to step inside.

Jungkook's empty eyes turn to look at the others by the door, while they wait. Raven haired finally sighs, and leans back in his chair, bringing the glass to his lips.

"Well tell me what the fuck is so important" he growls, and Namjoon nudges Hoseok slightly, urging him to talk.

"I.. I have news" Hoseok says, his voice barely above whisper, and he looks terrified when those dark eyes turn to him. Jungkook nods, and Hoseok keeps talking.

"I did recognize the male in the surveillance, who took Taehyung."Jungkook's hand stops in the air in the middle of the sip.

"It was Kai."

Glass shatters when it lands in the floor, spilling the golden liquid all over. Jungkook stands up, his dead eyes now burning with rage when he slams his hands on the surface of the table.

"Do you really mean it?!" He growls, and Hoseok nods.

"It's Iu"

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