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When their shift ended, Jimin had left to meet his boyfriend, leaving Taehyung to walk home alone.

It was early morning, since they had been working on night, but dispute the tiredness weighting him, he enjoyed the little chilly morning walk.

He was half way done with his walk, when he saw a black SUV pulling up in the curb, and a passenger side door opened, waiting.

Taehyung walked closer, little suspicious, and stepped in the door way to see the driver.

"Hello doll, get in."

Familiar warmth and the crazy butterflies erupted in his tummy from the intriguing voice of the male he had been constantly thinking.

Taehyung slides in the car and closes the door behind him, his eyes locked at the dark figure sitting behind the wheel.

And then Jungkook moves his head and their eyes met. Burning sensation of want surges through Taehyung's body, but he's hesitant to act on it. Jungkook studies his face for a second, trying to find something on it that would have to make him stop.

He doesn't find any signs of hesitation on him. "Doll." He rasps, leaning over the console in the middle, cupping Taehyung's face tenderly at his hand.

"Tell me to stop" he pleads from the blond, who only puts his own hand over Jungkook's, shaking his head a little. "Don't want to"

Jungkook groans lowly, and pulls Taehyung's face closer, until his lips ghosts over his. "Then I won't."

Kiss is electrifying, making Taehyung tingle in his whole body, and he greedily leans even closer to the other, snaking his arms around his neck, one hand tangled in his hair.

Jungkook lifts him up in his lap without breaking the hungry kiss. Soon it's only roaming hands, pulling on clothes in the urge of getting even closer to the other. Finally Jungkook breaks the kiss, only to move lower, leaving harsh kisses at Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung moans from the sensation, tugging lightly at Jungkook's hair. He pants in his lap, enjoying every second.

"God, I missed you" Jungkook whispers in between the kisses, and Taehyung can feel his eyes water. "M-me too"

It's almost like the Taehyung's voice snaps Jungkook out of his daze, because after the blond voices his thoughts, raven haired pulls away.

"We can't do this here" he says, looking up at the beauty in his lap. Taehyung shakes his head furiously. "N-no, I-I-I..." he can't voice out what he wants, so he lets his body to tell it to the other.

He lets his hands slip inside the others shirt, moving his hips a little. He can feel how Jungkook hardens under him, and it's making him even needier.

"Doll, don't temp me, if you don't stop, I will take you right here, right now." Jungkook growls, taking a hold of the others hips rocking in his lap.

Taehyung leans closer, licking others neck before biting his earlobe gently. "Don't want to stop" naughty blond whispers in his ear making the other groan. "It won't be gentle"

"I don't want it to be"

After the words left the blonds mouth, he is pushed up, towards the backseat. He crawls in the back, only to be followed. Jungkook pushes him face first against the leather seats, situating himself behind him.

There are greedy hands that pulls his scrub bottoms and his underwear down to his middle tights, making it almost impossible to him to move.

Taehyung shivers with anticipation when he hears klicking from belt buckle and zipper open. Warm, large hands slide up at his sides, and Jungkook leans over him to kiss his shoulder. "You are so beautiful."

Taehyung can feel Jungkook's hard on rub his behind, and then the hold of one of the hands disappear.

Burning, tearing sensation forces the blond to close his eyes, and he whimpers with pain when the other pushes himself, dryly, unprepared, inside him from behind.

"Fuck you are so tight" Jungkook groans, leaning over the blond, letting him adjust a little before pulling slightly out and then pushing back in.

"Go slow first" Taehyung whispers, and he feels reassuring hands back on his sides. "I will" the other whispers, rocking his hips gently.

It doesn't take long for things turn more heated, and soon Taehyung is pushed to the leather seat, making it hard to breathe, when Jungkook hammers his hips to him.

Car rocks from the force of Jungkook's thrusting, and their sweaty bodies smack together in the tight, heated space.

"I'm coming" Taehyung moans, choking on a sob when Jungkook only thrusts in him with more force.
"Me too doll." Strained, low voice is enough with the constant abuse of his prostate, to push Taehyung over the edge and he cums screaming, spilling himself on the leather in front of him.

Jungkook follows only seconds later, groaning and slumping over the others back, filling the smaller up. They stay like that, still connected, while Jungkook tries to gather his breathing.

Finally he kisses the smallest neck and pulls out, pulling his clothes back on.

"Doll, we need to talk"

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