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A.n. Last one is here, don't worry, it's an happy one.

Thank you for you all love I'm gotten from this, and all the nice comments. I've read them all. 💜

Enjoy this, and if you liked this, should check out my other stuff too. 💜


Taehyung stands in the warm sand, burying his feet deep in it.

He chuckles, looking over his shoulder to the tattooed, shirtless male who was talking on the phone, smiling at the smaller male standing in the sand.

Taehyung is happy, even tough they are still running away, and they can't see their friends and family they have made for them, but at least they are together.

It's been years already, and Taehyung is itching to get back already.

He looks at the male standing behind, feeling how his heat is almost bursting with all the love and adoration he feels towards the other.

There would never been anyone else in his mind or heart after that male.

He had been everything to him under the stars.

Since the first moment he saw him in the emergency room, it was done deal. For both of them.

Taehyung twirls the simple white cold band in his fourth finger. Jungkook had proposed night before, and was now trying to find out if they could go back home soon, since Taehyung did not want to marry him if he can't have their family of seven there.

"Doll!" Jungkook shouts, and blond turns around, seeing big bright smile spread on the raven haireds face. So he sprints up, jumping up to his arms, feeling himself safe and secure.


"So then the Prince was left behind to rule the Kingdom while the King was hiding from the big bad dragon.."

"Dad, what happened to the King and his Queen-who-wasn't-girl-but-was-a queen?"

Small, seven year old girl asks from the male sitting in the corner of her bed, telling her a bedtime story.

Seokjin smiles sweetly, pulling her hair back from her face. "Well, the princes who were left behind didn't know what was happening with them, since they couldn't ask it."

"Why?" Small girl asks, and Seokjin sighs, pulling her covers more up, tugging her in.

"Because it would have been dangerous to them since the dragon would have heard it."

"We're the king and queen coming home someday?"

Seokjin smiles, standing up from the small bed, and kissing her forehead. "Well baby, that's a story for another time"

"Good nigh honey" he says and shuts the lights.

"Good nigh dad" small, clear voice chimes and Seokjin chuckles closing the door after him.

He leans on the wall next to the door slightly, closing his eyes, and letting out the breath he did not know he was holding.

"I wish you would be here" he whispers, before he pulls himself together, not to let anyone know that he wasn't as strong he displayed.

"Jinnie!!" Hoseok shout somewhere down the hall, so Seokjin rushes downstairs.

He finds all of his friends, well most of his friends in the living room, sitting around.

Excited Hoseok stands in the middle, pulling him closer as soon as he steps in the room.

"There has been good news" Hoseok says, and smiles brightly at him. "What news?" Seokjin is puzzled, looking at the smiling, happy faces around the room.

"They are coming back." Hoseok breaths out, and that's what breaks him. All the things, the burden he has taken on his hold, was lifted from his wide shoulders.

So he slumps in Hoseok's hold, crying his eyes out.

They were coming home.

His family would be whole again.

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