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Sorry about the wait, work has been crazy lately.



"Well, it's arranged." Blond says dryly, while tapping his phone. "He will meet you day after tomorrow, at my place"

Jungkook nods, taking a hold of the blonds delicate hand. "Thank you, it must be hard for you to know what I want to do to him, and still doing this". Taehyung only smiles sadly and shrugs. "He was never around anyway, and he was a really shitty dad." There is resentment present in his voice, making Jungkook furrow his brows, and rubbing his thumb over others knuckles."Wanna tell me about it?"

Blond shrugs again, lowering his gaze in their intervened hands. He sits silent for a while before voicing his mind.
"He used to beat my mum, and sell her around"

Taehyung's voice is quiet, barely over whisper and it's making Jungkook already angry, because he could only image what would be coming.

"And when I was.. was old enough in his mind he.. also.." Jungkook growls, pulling the trembling male back in his lap, holding him carefully, caressing his sides.

"You don't need to tell me more." He whispers and gets a small nod back. "You are so brave" raven haired whispers, fighting back his own tears, hearing and feeling how violently his lover is shaking and crying in his lap.

"My brave little doll"


"Seokjin" Hoseok runs to catch up with older, who turns around and smiles at the other. He leans a little, kissing the red haired male.
"Hello Seok"

Hoseok is holding a folder, and his fingers are trembling slightly, making the taller lay his hand over the others shoulder.

"Tell hyung, what's bothering you?" Red haired male only lifts the folder up, giving it to Seokjin.
"I found out everything Jungkook wanted." Seokjin nods, opening the folder.

"But I don't know what to do now. He's going to go berserk" Seokjin flips through the pages, and reads top half of one.

What he reads, makes him physically sick. His eyes run over the words, making him even more sick to his stomach from everything.

Finally he lifts his gaze up to the anxious male in front. "This is horrible" Hoseok nods, but before he can say anything, there is new presence in the room.

"What's horrible?" Jungkook asks, stepping in the room. Taehyung is walking next to him, their hands tightly clasped together.

Both Hoseok and Seokjin freezes in the sight of the blond. They share a quick glance between them, which doesn't go unnoticed by the leader.
"What did you find?"

Couple looks at each other's, before Seokjin steps closer to the newly arrived pair, and hesitantly hands over the folder he's still holding.

Jungkook flips it open, reads a few sentences from it, before closing it, and handing it to Taehyung, who takes it with questioning raise if his eyebrow, but he's silent.

"Did you read it?" Hoseok nods, while Seokjin shakes his head. Jungkook nods, his gaze heavy on the others. "Do not speak about it." Hoseok nods, and Jungkook tightens his hold on the blond and leads him out of the room.

After closing the heavy door on his office, Jungkook turns to look at the blond who looks curiously around in the unfamiliar room.

"Doll" Jungkook calls him, making his way over to the other. "Read it, and tell me if there is something I need to know, and after you burn it, so nobody will know anything from it if you don't want them to."

Taehyung nods, still unsure about the order he is given, but he sits in the big leather chair behind the table and opens the folder.

Kim Taehyung, son of Kim Nam Gil and Kim Tae Hee, born December 30th 1995. No siblings..

Taehyung stares it for a second before it registered in his head and his head snaps up, meeting warm eyes from the other male in the room.

"Like I told you earlier, Hoseok is quite good with computer."

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