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"What do you mean he woke up!"

Hoseok and Jin scream simultaneously, making Yoongi cover his ears.

"Calm down. I meant he woke up, and he is still little out of it, but Joon said to him that..."

Jin shoots up from Hoseok's hold, and stumbles towards Yoongi, who backs away from him scared out of his mind.

"What did he say?" He growls, and Yoongi gulps. "H-he said tha-that Taehyung doesn't want to be here anymore" Yoongi's voice is barely above whisper, but Jin, being so close to him, hears it loud and clear.

"What the hell! I'll kill that.." he tries to run out of the room, but firm grip from his elbow makes him stop.

It's Hoseok, who is holding him back. "Sweetie, calm down. Let's hear what Yoongi has in mind, and after that you can give him piece of your mind."

Jin looks over his boyfriend, anger and irritation radiating from him, but Hoseok is not wavering, him being used to Jin's antics.

Taller finally gives up, sighing loudly, and his shoulders slumped. "Fine"

Yoongi smiles brightly, showing his gums, and steps towards the two, sitting down, crossing his legs.

"So, I was thinking.."


"How's Taehyung?"

Jimin sighs lowly, turning to look at their mutual friend and colleague, Minjae, who leans in the doorway, hands in his lab coats pockets.

"He is fine." Jimin answers with timid voice what makes Minjae frown. "You do know that I've known you two for over five years already? I know when you lie to me."

His not accusing Jimin from anything, only stating a fact, but it makes him feel really guilty. So he steps out of the patient's room, after washing his hands, and closes the door behind him. He signs Minjae to follow him silently, and other male follows him down the hallway.

"He's not fine. He hasn't seen or heard anything from him weeks already, and it's killing him."

Gentle hand pats his shoulder. "It must be hard for both of you." Minjae says, making Jimin sighs again.

"I know.. I just want.." Jimin's words is cut short by his phone ringing inside his pocket. Surprised he fishes it out and stares at the unknown number displayed on the screen. Minjae waves his hand, signaling to him to answer, while he steps away.

Ringing stops while Jimin keeps staring at the male moving further away, but before he can blink, it's ringing again.

Hesitantly he slides his finger across the screen and puts the device on his ear.

"Hello?" He quietly says. Line stays quiet, before loud shriek is heard. "Jimin? You really did answer!"
Said male furrowed his eyebrows, trying to but name and face to the all too familiar face.

"Who's this?" He finally asks, and can hear laughter on the other side, and evidently upset voice answers to him.
"It's Seokjin, did you not really save my number?"

Jimin's throat is dry, and he can't manage any words out from it. Tears are filling his eyes, and he keeps the phone over his ear with shaking fingers, clutching it tightly.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Seokjin's voice is now quieter, tender almost, and Jimin hiccups, trying to keep his crying at bay.

"Oh sweetie, I know it's been hard, but we are here to help you and Tae." Seokjin says, and Jimin nods, even though he knows that older can't see it.

He's happy, beyond words. He could finally get his best friend back from the dark slump he's fallen.

"Listen carefully Jimin, here is what you need to do that we can pull this through." Seokjin says from the other end of the device, and Jimin hums, listening what the other tells him.


"I don't want to get up" Taehyung whines, when Jimin forcefully pulls him out of the bed he hasn't leave in days.

"I really don't care, you are getting up, going to shower and then we are heading out." Jimin says, firmly pushing his friend towards the bathroom.

Taehyung drags himself slowly in the bathroom, and only when Jimin tries to undress him, he makes a move.

"Yah, I can do this on my own, thank you very much!"

Jimin only nods, and steps out of the room, closing the door halfway. "I'm not closing the door fully, so I can keep my eyes on you, so don't even think of locking yourself in there."

Taehyung sighs, not quite understanding what had got in his friend, but doing how Jimin asks him to do, get everything done sooner.

Warm water wakes him from the sluggish sleep like state he has been days, and after washing his hair and body he feels pleasurable fresh.

He steps out, wraps himself tightly in the towel and steps out of the bathroom. Jimin stands in the middle of the room, waiting. There is an outfit placed on the bed, and grumpily Taehyung starts to dress himself, while Jimin dries his hair.

"I don't want to go anywhere.." Taehyung whines again, pouting. Jimin giggles airily, and combs Taehyung's hair.

"Trust me, you want to go there, where we are heading."

After a while, when Taehyung's appearance is approved by Jimin, they head out.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung asks, shivering slightly from the chilly air, while sun is setting down. "To the park, trust me on this and lets go" Jimin says, slightly pulling him with.

Hesitantly Taehyung walks behind the smaller male, keeping his eyes tightly on the ground. Finally, for a while, Jimin stops, and then there are new pair of steps heard.

Shiny pair of black shoes step in the Taehyung's line of sight, and he takes a step back, but doesn't lift his gaze.

"Hey, did you guys wait us long?" Jimin asks, his voice little scared. There is small chuckle, and then Jimin pulls him little forward.

"Come on Tae, let's go there."

Taehyung hesitantly lifts his gaze up from the ground, to see where Jimin is pointing.

His breathing hitched, and his heart beats so furiously, that he almost feels how it's getting out of his chest.

He locks his eyes with pair of dark eyes, shining in the lights of the sunset. Everything else disappeared around him, when he takes a step ahead, then second, finally almost running towards the male.

He stops only arms length away from the other, not breaking the eye contact. Familiar warmth pools in his body when he breaths in that intoxicating scent from his perfume.

Blond lifts his hand, hesitantly putting it on the others cheek, getting the taller male nuzzle in it, still looking straight at the tearing blond.

"You are alive" Taehyung breaths out, barely whispering. Small smile spreads over the others face, when he pulls the smaller tightly in his arms. Jungkook doesn't answer, only buries his head on the others neck, holding him gently, pressed on him.

They don't speak, but they don't need to say a word, just being like this here, is enough for the two.

Little behind the pair, stands four males, looking fondly over them.

"Has anyone told him yet?" Jimin asks, and other three shake their heads. "I'm going to, after this" Yoongi says, and others nod.

"You should, or I'm going to."

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