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A.n. Here is a longer chapter.



"So you are telling me, that all this you have been doing, is because you have a child?" Jungkook's voice booms in the quiet room, making Namjoon quiver a little, lowering his head even more.

"Yes." He answers and Jungkook scoffs. "And with Iu, out of all  people in the fucking world!" Raven haired male shouts, making the other flinch a little, but nodding anyway.

Jungkook paces around the room, trying to figure everything out, and all Namjoon can do is stare at the other, running circles in front of him.

"Have you seen her? Are you absolutely sure it's yours?"

Jungkook's voice guts through the silence fallen between them after he stopped.
"I have talked with her, she looks like me.." Namjoon whispers, scared and sad.

He had felt so bad of doing this, but it was his way of protecting his family.

"What do they want you to do?" Namjoon snaps his head up to meet the others eyes, surprised.

Jungkook steps closer, kneeling down to be at the same level with the other, and placing his hand over the shoulder. "Tell me hyung, what they want you to do?"

Namjoon gulps, but he can't move his gaze away from the other, so he whispers his answer to him.
"They want you weakened, isolated from everyone, so you will be vulnerable, and an easy target."

"That's why you didn't let Taehyung to see me?" Jungkook rasps, and Namjoon nods. "I tried to protect everyone, and it was the only way I could do it. They have someone on the inside Kook, they have been keeping tabs on me this whole time."

They have someone on the inside

Keeps ringing in the leaders head, and his mind automatically circles back at the blond sleeping soundly in his bed. He looks over to the older who's eyes are pained and sad.

Jungkook smirks back at the other, and his mind had already formed a plan. Risky one, but it would give them all they need to do.


"What do you mean I need to learn to shoot?" Taehyung whispers to the other, who keeps holding out to his hand gun to blond to take a hold of it. Jungkook nods. "I know Doll, that you can handle it, I have seen you, but I need to know you are incapable of keeping yourself and Jimin safe."

Blond stares at the black object pushed towards him, biting his lip nervously. He can clearly remember the feeling of being helpless, to help himself or his best friend.

So, he lifts his hand and takes hold of the gun. It's heavy on his hand, and he keeps staring at it. Jungkook chuckles, and Taehyung lifts his gaze up.
"Come on doll, I teach you"


Shooting range was little chilly, when they step inside the deserted basement. Jungkook fickles the lights on and Taehyung can see the whole room.

There are four booths, separated by a small wall, small table in front, and a target in the back wall.

"We'll be here in the back" Jungkook says, and pulls the shocked male with him in the farthest booth. Taller of the two hands blond a pair of earplugs, and motions him to but them on.

"You have to hold your gun like this" Jungkook says in the others ear, so he will be able to hear it, while he moves back of the blond, leaning slightly closer, and wrapping his hands over the blonds trembling ones, and they hold the gun up together.

Taehyung is slightly thrown off balance by the force, when they pull the trigger. "That's a good little Doll" Jungkook growls in his ear, making the blond shiver, when they lift the gun up again.

This time taller pulls his own hands away, and lands them on the others hips. Taehyung shoots couple more times, earning a praise from the other every time.

After Jungkook's hands are funded their way under his shirt, and he is kissing the others shoulder, Taehyung finally lowers the gun on the table, and pushes back a little.

Raven haired groans, when smaller butt rubs slightly over his hardening member. Taehyung giggles airily, grinding little. "Doll" Jungkook rasps, and Taehyung knows it's a warning.

"Please" blond breaths out and puts his hands in the table in front, pushing his behind at the other. "Doll, not now" Jungkook's voice is raspy, and the neediness is evident.

Taehyung groans, and turns around, dropping down on his knees. His fingers fumbled hurriedly others belt and opening his jeans. When he finally gets others half hard member out, he wraps his lips around it, sucking. Jungkook groans, and Taehyung can feel how he hardens in his mouth more, and finally, there is hand tightly wrapped in his hair, pulling.

"Stay still" standing male moans, and Taehyung obeys, letting his mouth open, and closes his eyes, when Jungkook pushes in, hitting the back of his throat.

Gagging slightly, feeling how the spit and pre-cum leaks out from side of his mouth, Taehyung lets the other have his way with him.

"Oh fuck" Jungkook groans, pulling out of the warmth and pulling other up. Taehyung loves to be manhandled, so he only loves it when Jungkook turns him around again, and bends him over the table.

"You were asking for it, so you will take what I give you, hmm Doll?" Jungkook asks, his hands opening the others pants, and pulling them out. Taehyung hums. Loud slap rings in the quiet room, and Taehyung yelps.

"Use your words Doll, I need to hear it"
"Gon-gonna take wha-what's given" Taehyung stammers out, and Jungkook leans over him, kissing his neck. "Good boy"

Jungkook pushes his fingers up in the Taehyung's mouth, and smaller male sucks them happily, wetting them through. Finally Jungkook pulls them out from his mouth, and without a warning one of his digits enter the blond, making him yelp again.

"Shh, be a good Doll" Jungkook growls, biting the blonds earlobe, while pushing another finger in, working him open furiously.

"I-I-I'm ready" smaller moans, and can feel how the other pull his fingers out, making submissive one whine.

Jungkook pushes in with one shift thrust, making blond scream from the delicious burn he feels by being ripped open. Jungkook's large hand wraps tightly around the others throat, pulling him flus against his chest while his hips get thrusting whit bruising force.

Taehyung can feel himself being pushed towards the end, embarrassingly fast. Every thrust taller is hitting his prostate, and blond can't hold himself anymore.

"Kook, go-gonna cum" he wheezes out, hand tightening in his throat. "Hold it just a little more" Jungkook growls, biting his shoulder, his hips clasping with Taehyung's behind.

Taehyung sees black spots in his line of vision, and shaking furiously he comes hard, painting the table in front with his semen.

Jungkook thrusts couple more times, before coming hard inside the other, still shaking in his arms.

"Oh Doll" he breaths out, leaning his forehead in the others back, catching his breath before pulling out. He tucks himself back in his pants, and help the dazed out blond wear his clothes again.

Taehyung stumbles a little so the other swipes him up, and carries him out of the basement.

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