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"How the fuck did this happen!"

Loud crash resonates in the room, making four man duck their heads down, avoiding flying objects being thrown around by their furious leader.

"How the fuck did he slip through our fingers?!" He shouts again, not pointing his words towards anyone specially, and his hand flings his table lamp at the wall.

Yoongi ducks right in time, and the lamp crashes with a loud pang right were his head was seconds ago.

Almost everything inside Jungkook's office is thrown, trashed or pushed over, broken class and paper lying on the floor, paintings and mirrors hanging barely on their hooks.

Furious raven haired stops, turning to look his friends, his chest moving up and down from the ragged breaths his taking, his knuckles bleeding and his curly fringe falling messily on his forehead. His eyes are burning with dark, hard look, which makes people quiver in front of him.

Jeon Jungkook is furious, hurt and that's deadly for anyone who steps in his way.

"Kook, calm down will you? We need to get your head in the game, so we can figure this shit out" Namjoon says and now Jungkook's eyes are drilling holes in his face.

Namjoon shivers, but he tries not to show it to the younger. He knows why Jungkook's eyes bore in his skull. He had promised him to take care of this. But now, worst thing had happened.

"Hyung..." Jungkook starts, his voice dark and piercing, but he doesn't get to complete the sentence, when there is a small knock on the door.

One of his peers, Bambam, opens the door slightly, putting only his head in, knowing his leaders temper.

"Umm.. Sir. The small fluffy boy has something to show you" other males voice is little scared. Jungkook only nods, indicating that Jimin can step inside.

They had take Jimin with them from the hospital, to keep him safe. Younger boy had come willingly, knowing that he too was in danger, and also, wanting to be as close as possible to the mob boss and his trusted men, believing that only them could be able to find his abducted friend.

But he feels himself get scared when he steps in the ruined office, he had been listening in the hallway all the loud crashes and shouting going in there almost an hour.

"What did you have to show us?" Namjoon asks sweetly from the boy, when Jungkook only kept his burning gaze on the, already shivering male.

Jimin puts his hand up. His holding Taehyung's phone in his small fist. He bites his lip, pushes his chin up and musters his courage to meet those dark looming eyes.

"He contacted again. Send another message"

His voice makes Jungkook leap over the desk they had between them, like a predator leaping to attack its prey, and he snatches the phone out of Jimin's hand.

"Did you open it yet?" Jungkook rasps our, his voice scratchy from all the yelling. Jimin only shakes his head. "No, came here as soon as it happened"

Jungkook nods, and tabs the phone, looking over to Jimin, silently asking to know the passcode to it.

"Oh, it's 130613, the day we became friends.."

Jimin's voice thickens with emotion when he finishes his sentence, and Jin rubs his calming hand on his back.

Jungkook nods, typing the code in the phone and opening the message.

It's a poorly lightened picture, about tied up Taehyung, his eyes covered. When Jungkook tabs the picture to take closer look, he can see how the side of the blonds head is allegedly bleeding, his beautiful blond hair matted with the red liquid. His lip is also busted and half of his face is already bruised.

Sight of the others clearly abused form, makes Jungkook's blood boil and he can't wait to get a his hands on the person doing this to the ethereal boy.

The phone in his hands vibrates again, and he exits the picture, only to be met with an small clip.

He clicks it, and after a small buffer, he's looking how the person picks up an baseball bat, and swings.

Broken sob can be heard from Jimin, when the pained howl from Taehyung rings from the phones speaker.

Phone vibrates again, and this time there is a message displayed on the screen.

"Tick Tock, times running. How many beatings do you think he can take before breaking?"

"Jin, trace this fucker, I need to know where the messages are coming, Hoseok, take Jimin and try to figure out if there is anything helpful from his past."

Jungkook's voice booms in the, now silent, room when he barks orders to his men. Said boys nod and exits the room, heading to their tasks.

"Yoongi, contact all the allies we have, and tell them that we need all hands on this."

Shorter male nods, heads out of the room, fishing his phone out at the same time when the door closes behind him.

Now there is only Namjoon and Jungkook. Two of them stare at each other, not saying a word.

"What about me, how can I help you Kook?" Namjoon asks lowly, almost afraid of younger's anger. Jungkook scoffs irritated, before turning his back at the older.

"Don't know hyung, do something to be a useful this time"

Younger's words cut deep in the older's skin, making his heart hurt, and he lowers his head. He knows that the other is disappointed at him, that he couldn't keep his promise, and this is his way of revenge.

Namjoon sighs detected, and exits the room, troubled, but same time forming a plan in his head, how he can make everything better.

I just need to find him.

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