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A.n. Little feeling discouraged to continue with this book.

Is it even good?

Anyway, enjoy! 💜


"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Jimin asks concerned while pulling his shoes on. Taehyung nods, trying to look nonchalant, and not too eager to have his friend out of the house.

"I'm sure, and I know you need all the money you can get, so go" Jimin hums, and looks at the other little concerned, but finally takes his keys and steps out of the hallway. He turns around and stares at Taehyung. "You will call me as soon as you have something troubling here or you get scared?" Taehyung nods, smiling at his overprotective friend.

"Just go already, I will hop in the shower and watch Netflix before bed." Taehyung smiles reassuring, and finally Jimin nods and leaves to the work.

Phone in the blonds hand dings, and the screen lights up.

"I'm on my way, give me an hour, and be ready. I'll take good care of you."

Shiver runs down on his back, and he feel excitement and want morph together, clouding his judgement.

He hasn't known the man for long, but he knows that he wants to get to know everything about him.


Forty-five minutes later Taehyung sits in the living room sofa, nervously watching minutes tick by.

He had spend half an hour in shower, washing himself with his strawberry scented body wash, shaved and exfoliated his skin. His cheeks flushed pink when he moves a little, his silk pajamas rubbing his half erected manhood.

He had fingered himself in the shower, to make sure he was clean and ready for anything his quest would have in mind.

There is a rapid knock at his door, which startled the waiting blond. He shoot up from the sofa, looking up at his clock on the wall.

He's a little early.

Giddiness rushes through his veins when he moves to the door, wiping his clammy hands in his tights, taking few reassuring breaths to calm himself down.

And then he opens the door and is met with an delicious sight.

Jungkook stands in the hallway, leaning slightly on the wall his left, still dressed in his suit, his sleeves rolled up, his hair disheveled, and messy and his dark eyes burn with desire under his curly fringe, when he meets the blonds gaze.

Taehyung can feel how his knees buckle, and the butterflies inside of him are going crazy.

"Hello doll." Jungkook rasps, stepping closer, his eyes never leaving the younger's body, raking it up and down. Taehyung shivers with the pet name, loving it.

"Hey" he manages to muster up, and steps inside. "Come in"

Everything happens in seconds when other steps in and he closes the door after him.

He's pushed up in the wall, his hands clasped together, locked up with tallers larger ones, while Jungkook's free hand caresses his side, their lips clasped hungrily together in a needy, messy kiss.

Jungkook breaks the kiss and moves down, nibbling his jaw and neck, blond craining his neck, giving him more access. Smaller one moans pitifully while the dominant one runs his knee over his sensitive parts.

"You are going to be good doll for me huh?" Jungkook rasps in his neck, biting it lightly. Taehyung only whimpers, others  way of talking to him turning him on even more.

"Use your words kitten" Jungkook ushers, putting even more pressure on his knee.

"I'm going to be good doll" Taehyung whimpers, making the raven haired hum, pleased with his answer.

"Your going to do just as I tell you hmm?"
Taehyung nods, but then remembering that he needs to use his words. "Y-yes, everything"

Jungkook kisses him again, thrusting his tongue inside of Taehyung's cavern, his hand sliding lower and cupping his behind, squeezing it with power, more than possible leaving bruises behind.

"Good boy, now on your knees" Jungkook releases his hands and the blond falls on his knees obeying, his face on the level with the others bulge. Blond looks up, eagerly waiting his next command.

Jungkook smirks at it, and runs his fingers through the blonds locks, getting a good grip on his hair.

"You are going to let me fuck your face like a good doll you are." Dangerous male says, his free hand working on his pants, to free himself on them.

Taehyung can feel himself leaking from the way the other is handling him, and he feels himself slip slowly in his sub-space, loving the feeling being used, when Jungkook is finally free, his pants pushed just slightly down, and his large hand pulling the blond from his hair closer.
"Open up" he rasped and the smaller does as told.

Jungkook is heavy on his tongue, his precum tasting little salty when smaller one wraps his lips around his length, sucking a little. Other groan above him, pushing himself down on the blonds throat, making him gag a little.

"Oh fuck" Jungkook starts moving, his pace being little abusive, tears pooling in the blonds eyes with the force. His throat is starting to feel sore, his knees hurt, and the raven haired grip in his hair is hurting his scalp.

But Taehyung is loving every minute of it.

It doesn't take long for him to feel how the others cock is twitching in his mouth, and Jungkook pulls his hair, pulling out of his mouth and releasing on his face.

Taehyung can feel how warm cum dripped down on his cheek, and around his eyes. He brings his fingers up, gathering up some of the almost translucent liquid and brings his fingers up in his mouth, tasting the other. They hold the eye contact in the whole time and he can see how a proud smile spreads on the standing males face.

"Such a good boy, now I'm going to give you your reward." Jungkook rasps, and younger can feel himself getting excited from the braise his reserved.

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