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They stood behind the large window, which showed them a body lying on the bed. There were tubes coming out of various parts of his body, and he was monitored by the machine.

Blond was only one let in the room, they had voted for it, he was dressed in the safety gear, to keep everything clean, and not to compromise Jungkook's recovery.

Stoic faced males stood next to sniffing Jimin, who had Namjoon's arm wrapped around him, and looked over their leader, lying defenseless in the bed.

Taehyung entered in the room, and soon as his eyes landed on the unmoving body, he collapsed on the floor, kneeling next to the bed, holding tightly on the cold hand of the other.

Jin was talking on the phone, in hushed voice, presumably with Hoseok, letting him know what was going on, since he was waiting at home, and keeping everything in line.

"What are we doing now?" Namjoon asks from Yoongi, his voice low and pained. Yoongi shrugs, not moving his gaze from the other in the bed. "You have to step up, and be the leader. We won't tell anyone that he's in coma."

"I don't.." Namjoon starts, but Jin, stepping behind the three agrees with Yoongi. "Yoongi is right, there is only one person who can take his place until he is recovered, and that's you."

Namjoon still hesitates, looking at the two males, and then turning his gaze up to the room, where Taehyung silently cries, holding battered males hand.

"Yeah, okay." He finally says, and removes his hand around Jimin. "We need to take him somewhere safe to recover, he can't stay here."

Jimin looks up at the taller male, panicked. "You can't take him away from the hospital, he needs to be monitored all the time!"

Namjoon looks over to Jin, who nods slightly and taps his phone, calling to someone again, stepping little further from the group.

"Don't worry baby, we have everything we need."


"Is everything ready?" Hoseok runs to the infirmary, and is met with dark haired woman who nods. "Yeah, Soobin and Solar are fetching the last equipment we need, and Huening Kai has taken care of the security." Lady says, looking over her folder, checking things from the list.

Hoseok nods. "Is there anything you guys need to make this as smooth as possible?" Hwasa nods. "A list of visitors allowed should be good."

"Outside of the personnel of your group, there is only the inner circle allowed inside." Hoseok answers, turning to step out, lifting his phone on his ear. He turns to look at Hwasa over his shoulder.

"Oh, and also, Kook's boyfriend shouldn't be on the list."


Proximally five hours after Jungkook's surgery, he's moved to the unmarked ambulance, to not raise any suspensions. Taehyung steps inside with Jimin, to keep eye on his condition, to make sure everything is done right.

It's agonizing journey to their house. Taehyung tries to push his feelings aside and think with only his so called professional mind, but it's hard. Everything is going way too fast to him, and the fear of loosing the other is pushing him down even more.

Finally they stopped, and someone opened the back doors. It was two females, dressed in safety gear, faces that Taehyung didn't know.

Jungkook was wheeled out of the car, and inside of the building faster than blond could muster a words out. He turned panicked towards Namjoon, who was barking orders left and right. "Where did they take him?"

Namjoon only pats his head, dismissing him like a child, which made Taehyung angry. "Namjoon! Tell me where he was taken!" Blond shouts irritated, pushing the taller male angrily.

Namjoon turns towards the shorter male, and his eyes are dark, face stoic, making the other shiver.
"You don't hold any power here, so you are not giving orders. You should behave, and know your place."

Taehyung's eyes grew larger and he takes a step back from the intimidating male. "Only thing you should know, is that he is in good hands, and that's final"

Namjoon's voice is cold, and he leaves the shaken male behind, taking his group and stepping inside, leaving both Jimin and Taehyung standing behind.

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