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Everything happened in such fast pace that it made everything seem like a big blurry mess for the onlookers.

Nam Gil had pulled out of his gun from the holster, and fired it.

Namjoon and Yoongi heard how panicked Jimin called out a gun, and then they heard a gunshot, and a blood curling scream.

Two waiting males and their backup with Soobin and fellows busted right through the doors, in different sides of the others, pointing their guns at the males in the room, surrounding Taehyung's father and his goons.

"Surprise" Yoongi growls, his gun pointing right between Nam Gil's eyes.

In his hazy state of mind, he doesn't register the eerie quietness of in the room, or small sniffing behind him, or in his earpiece.

"Oh fuck." Namjoon groans lowly, making Yoongi snap out of his daze and slightly turn towards him.
"What?" He voices out and it's not Namjoon who answers, it Jin in his earpiece.

"It's Kook. He shot Kook"

Yoongi whips around and looks at the kneeling blond, who's holding a limp body in his lap. Taehyung is doing everything he can to stop the bleeding in Jungkook's stomach, his hands clasped tightly on the wound, but blood keeps seeping out between his fingers.

He's crying silently, keeping the pressure on the wound and talking with hushed voice to the male lying on his lap.

Jungkook is awake, barely conscious, and his gun is lying on the ground, next to blonds knee.

It's heartbreaking sight, and Yoongi can't help but feel how the anxiety rises up with a fear of loosing the younger.

There is a click from the gun, and he turns around, seeing how Namjoon is stepping forward, pointing his gun on one of the younger males standing behind Nam Gil, and Soobin on the other side.

"We called help, it's on their way." Jin's voice rings through his ears, and he nods, letting the others watching know he's heard them.

Nam Gil stands unbothered, pointing his gun still at the fallen male, his eyes burning when he snarls at his son.

"Come on Tae, let's go. I eliminated the threat, and made you remember you are still my property."

Everyone can hear how low, pained growl escapes from Jungkook, and he opens his eyes painfully, staring right at the standing elder.

"It was a low blown, a cowards move" he pants. Taehyung shifts a little, laying him down with a groan, and leaning to grab fallen gun in his own hand.

He stumbles up, marches over to his father and pulls the gun on his face. He looks up at the other, being smaller than him, put the firm grip on the gun does not waver when he clicks the safety off.

"Tae, I'm your father." Older male says, dropping his gun and lifting his hands slightly up.

"I don't care" smaller of the two says through his gritted teeth. He's still crying, his beautiful face wet with tears and his burning eyes buffed and red. Hand that holds the gun is red, covered with the blood from his lovers wound, but the hold is firm.

"You ruined my life" he whispers, hiccuping. Namjoon has grouched down, holding his larger hands on the wound now, trying to keep younger awake.

"Don't do it Tae." Yoongi says, stepping a little closer. Taehyung only shakes his head, making his matted hair bounce a little.

"No, he shot Jungkook." Yoongi steps a little closer again.

"I know, and he will pay for it, but you don't need to do it." Fresh batch of tears roll down his cheeks, and he shakes his head again.

"No.. he ruined my life."

Before Yoongi, or anyone else has any time to react, single shot rings through the air.

Gun smokes a little in Taehyung's hand, when he lowers it, finally dropping it on the floor. Older male stumbles a step forward, making the blond step aside, when the Nam Gil's body falls down on the floor, and the blood from his head pouring out on the floorboards.

"Help is right there" Hoseok says shakily in their earpieces, when Yoongi takes a small leap, getting a hold of the blond male's shaking body.

"Kook.." he whispers, and Yoongi only hums. "Help is here, he's going to make it" blond nods, loosing his conscious.

Two paramedics storm in the room, in the same time when Soobin and Taehyun walk two goons out, to take them with, and Yoongi points paramedics towards Jungkook.

"Do we need to call someone?" Female paramedic asks from her partner, who only takes one look at Jungkook, and Namjoon, and shakes his head.

"No, this is one of the moments I earlier told you."
"No see, no hear?" Female asks again, and gets an nod for the answer.

"That's right."

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