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A.n. Sorry about the slow updates, I'm been really busy.

I'm try to at least update once a week from now on.

Enjoy this!


After a sleepless night, tossing and turning, thinking how everyone had seen him in his most vulnerable moment, on his knees, and seeing stars, it was finally a time to Taehyung to get back at the work.

He woke up feeling nervous beyond anything. He hasn't been at work, in the hospital after he had been captured and taken from there.

So much had happened after it, and returning on the boring old routine, was making him so nervous, to see everyone, and hear all the rumors he knows they are spouting out, criticizing him.

After a warm morning shower, to calm his mind, he was standing in his bedroom, his scrubs layed on the bed. Next to his bright blue work wear, there was a small, black hand gun tucked in its holster.

He weighted it in his hand, sitting in the corner of his bed, after he had dressed up, and ready to leave.

"Keep it with you where ever you are"

Jungkook's voice rings in his head, and he knew he had promised to the other to keep it with him, to stay safe. But he was still contemplating, weighing it in his hand.

There is a small knock on the door, and Jimin puts his head in, dressed in those obnoxious blue clothes they are told to wear at the work.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Taehyung looks up at him from the gun he has been holding and nods.

"Yeah." Jimin steps in the room, sits next to his best friend. "Is this the gun?" He whispers, and blond nods. "Are you taking it with?"

Taehyung sighs, shrugging. "Don't know. Do I need it?" He whispers, and Jimin lays his hand over the others shoulder. "Baby bear, if it makes everything easier, take it."

It's almost a stone lifted from his heart from his friends words, and he stands up, fastening the belt from the holster on his hip, tucking the gun under his shirt, away from gazes.

"I'm ready now" he says, smiling shakily at his friend, who jumps up, takes his hand and pulls him out of the house.


It was a busy day at the E.R for the both of the males. And almost a six hours they are back in the break room.

Jimin sits down, groaning. "I am so tired" Taehyung giggles, stepping in the room, heading to the fridge, to get himself a soda.

"I know, that last accident made everything even more crazy" Jimin only groans, making his friend giggle slightly.

His phone buzzes in his pocket. A shy smile makes its way in his face.

"Hey doll, just wanted to check up on you"

His fingers tap fast his answer to the other. "Hey, I'm fine, just been busy"

Right after he sends the message, his phone buzzes in his hand. Almost nervously he answers, lifting the device on his ear.

"He-hey.." he whispers, and is rewarded with a dark chuckle, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Oh doll, stuttering now?"  There is a slight blush rising on his cheeks, and he looks over at the people in the break room, to see if anyone is looking at him.

"You make me shiver every time you call me doll." He whispers, turning his back to the doorway, hiding himself in the corner.

"I know it, and I love it too."

"Are you coming tonight?" Taehyung asks, butterflies vibrating inside his tummy. There is a small sigh, and even before Jungkook can voice his rejection, Taehyung nods, disappointed.

"It's fine" he whispers, his shoulders slumping slightly.

"Doll, I try, but I can't promise anything, okay?"

It makes everything little better for the blond. But before he can answer, there is a alarm ringing, indicating that something has happened and every nurse jumps up.

"I need to go. I love you" Taehyung says at the phone, ending the call before Jungkook can answer back at him, putting his phone in the pocket while running out of the room.

He almost stumbles, and falls when he recalls how he just ended the call.

Oh god, I just told him I love him.

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