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English is not my first language, so fell free to point out any misspellings and mistakes in my stories.



When a slightly limping and disheveled blond steps out of the storage room, his pink haired soulmate is standing straight in front of the door, leaning in the wall behind him, tapping his left foot on the floor.

Taehyung blushes, and closes the door behind him, leaving his company in the room. Jimin cocks his eyebrow, while flustered Taehyung avoids his gaze.

"Had trouble in there?" There is a knowing smirk in Jimin's face, and laughter in his voice. All Taehyung can do is only coughs dryly, looking even more uncomfortable.

"Couldn't find the paper towels.." he tries to whisper, explain himself to his friend.

But as soon as he says it, door behind him opens slightly, and tattooed hand comes out, holding a medium size of packet.

Paper towels.

Taehyung blushes brightly, when Jimin's airy laughter fills the hallway. Some of the people walking past off the two nurses shoot a disapproval looks towards the two, but it makes Jimin laugh even more.

Only if they knew what he did know.

"There they are." He says, and takes the packet in his own hands, turning away to walk back to the break room.

Jimin only takes few steps away, before he turns back to look at his best friend. "You can let him out of the room already, poor guy, waiting in darkness"

Jimin's laughter fills Taehyung's ears again, when the door behind him creaks open and sheepishly smiling male steps out of the room.

Jungkook steps past Taehyung, kissing his cheek lightly. "Don't wait up, I have work to do tonight."

Taehyung nods, keeping his flustered face hidden behind his fringe. Jungkook leans even closer, whispering in his ear. "Love you"

"Me too, be safe"


"So, is everything ready?" He asks while stepping inside his office.

Two heads, ashy blond and black, snap up from the papers they have been looking over and darker of the two nods.

"Yep, Seokie has traced them, and we have counted everything. Everyone is ready." Jungkook nods, and walking around his table, sitting down and turning his gaze at the white haired male.

"Did Jackson pull through?"

Namjoon nods. "He did, he's gathered everyone he has alliance with, and they are waiting us at the compound."

Jungkook nods again, and looks at the expensive watch in his wrist. "Well, we have two more hours before midnight, we move out then. Let the others know."

Both males nod, and they stand up from their seats.

Seokjin is first one to step out, and before Namjoon can exit out, he's stopped by a dominant voice behind him.

"Joon, stay behind for a second"

Namjoon stops, him and Seokjin sharing a hesitant look between them before blond nods, closing the door and turning around, to face male behind the table.

They stare at each other's for a while.

It's Jungkook who finally ends the silence between them, sighing , and placing his both forearms at the table.


younger of the two says, making older startled. He steps closer and his eyes water slowly, when he looks over the boy who is more than just his leader.

Jungkook was Namjoon's brother, his friend. His whole family. There wasn't enough words to describe the bond between the two.

They have never fought like this, it's killing them both. And even tough nobody pointed it out, Namjoon knew, he was the reason behind it. And it was his  greatest regret.

"Hyung, I miss you." Jungkook rasps, his eyes tender and glazed. Namjoon offers him a small, slightly dimpled smile and steps even closer.

"I miss you too. I'm sorry" older says, watching how Jungkook stands up, and rounds his table, to stand in front of the other.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook whispers, engulfing the other in his arms and hugging him tight.

Small sob escapes from Namjoon, when he buries his face in Jungkook's shoulder and holds the younger in his arms tighter.


"Did they kill each other's yet?" Panting Seokjin asks when he steps inside the monitor room.

Red haired male shakes his head, opening his arm to the taller to come closer. Seokjin steps in Hoseok's arms, and locks his gaze at the hugging males in the monitor.

"No, this is some crazy ass, sappy gay shit." Yoongi growls, making the cuddled up pair next to him laugh out loud.

"Considering that both of them are sappy gays, it's good for them to stay true to themselves" Hoseok says, shrugging, making Seokjin slap him playfully.

"Hmm, that's true." Yoongi says, turning away from the monitor. "It good though, that they made up." He tries to say it like it won't bother him, but this time it's Seokjin who chimes in. "Well yeah, maybe your ass can have some peace now"

Yoongi blushes furiously, and turns to look at the smirking pair. " it's not me, it's Jimin." He tries to argue, but Seokjin smiles at him sweetly and pats his head while passing him.

"Sure thing sweetie."

Hoseoks laughter rings through the quiet room, when door clicks closed after Seokjin, only to be pushed open again.

"You coming baby? We have only hour and forty-five minutes before we go to this suicide mission. It's my turn today."

Hoseok falls silent, and this time it's Yoongi who laughs, looking at his red haired friend who snaps out off his daze, scrambling up from his chair and sprinting out of the room, following his boyfriend.

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