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"What do we know about Taehyung and his past?" Namjoon asks and turns to look at the others.

Yoongi shrugs, picking his fingernails bored expression on his face.

"Only a little, Jungkook has the folder about him" Yoongi says, sounding bored, and almost as asked, Jungkook steps in the room and slams small binder in the table with a thud.

"That's all we know now. But if it's someone from his side, why would they want me?" Raven haired asks, turning to look at his hyungs, new kind of desperation burning in his gaze.

"Don't know, jealousy?" Jin asks, sitting down on Hoseoks knee, other wrapping his arm nonchalant around his waist.

Namjoon seems to think Jin's succession, shrugging. "Well, we all have done something stupid out of jealousy, but it doesn't seem fit in here."

"Did he tell you anything else about the message he got?" Hoseok asks, turning his head towards pacing male back at the room, running his hand reassuring on the Jin's sides.

That small affectionate gesture doesn't go unnoticed by the pacing male, but he chooses to not acknowledge it right now.

"Nothing else that we have already talked. There was picture of them leaving their apartment, and threat on to their both's life's, if he doesn't deliver."

Silence falls in the room. There is a big elephant in the room, and no one wants to tackle it, not yet anyway.

Finally, bored Yoongi stomps his legs down from the table he has been resting them, and leans behind, lifting his gaze up.

"Well, I guess it's time to have that conversation with him now Kook."

They all knew what he meant, but Jungkook does not feel quite ready for it yet.

"But what if he runs? Can't keep him safe if he runs" their leaders voice is barely above whisper, when he looks down on his shoes.

"Well, then he does. But I think he won't do it." This time it's Jin, who steps out of Hoseok's hold and closer  Jungkook, who stands in the corner, his head down and his shoulders slumped.

He looks more like a young boy he is, and not the fearless mob leader he portrayed. Jin lays his hands in his shoulders, and turns his face up to look him.

"You need to do it. You need to bring him here so you can keep him safe."

"And maybe you should bring the friend too" Namjoon's eager voice rings up, and Jin shoots him a nasty glare. Namjoon lifts his hands up to surrender, "I mean, he is only thing that can be held above Taehyung's head to make him do what they want?"


"I'm picking you both up when your shift ends. Don't leave the building before I tell you to do it"

Taehyung stares at the message displayed on his screen. At the same time he feels more safe than he has ever felt. But at the same time he is little nervous.

Did he do right when he called to the other, when the unknown person clearly wanted to know where to find him?

He looks up to see his friend laughing with other nurses, and being carefree, like he always is.

Taehyung would do anything in his power to keep Jimin safe.

Alarm rings in the break room, all the eyes turning to the screen to see what it's about.

One of the older nurses sighs loudly and stands up from the table. "I guess I need to go."

Taehyung jumps up from his place. "No, sit back, I will go." Older lady nods thankfully, and Taehyung smiles brightly back at them and exits the room, leaving his phone on the table next to Jimin.

"Be back soon" Taehyung says and steps out.

His phone dings at the table, once, twice and Jimin can't help but look at it.

"Doll, he's in the hospital"
"Doll, stay with the others, he's dangerous"
"I'm coming to pick you up."

One of the younger nurses looks through her papers and looks around, questioning look in her face.

"Isn't that room empty?"

Jimin looks up nervously from the phone towards the door blond exited just seconds ago, when his phone keeps dinging.

"Taehyung, baby answer me!"

Blood curling scream can be heard, and Jimin shoot up faster than the others, they soon following him. He had crapped Taehyung's phone with him, while he runs at the dimly light hallway towards the room where Taehyung was heading.

When he reaches to the door, the room is empty, trashed. Taehyung has clearly fighted back.

One thing craps Jimin's attention and that is blood on the floor and smudged hand print on the wall.

Phone in his hand keeps ringing, and he can hear others gasping from behind, looking furiously the missing blond.

Absentminded, Jimin answers the ringing phone, lifting it on his ear.

"Oh thank god Doll, I'm just stepping inside.." he hears pleasant voice from the other side. Choking on the sob, he talks.

"It's too late, he's not here."  There is mumbled cursing on the other side, and he can hear how man barks orders around before speaking back at him.

"Jimin right?" He hums, and other keeps speaking. "Where are you? I'm coming to you"

"Room 3012" he whispers on the device, and can soon hear how heavy steps run towards the room where he's still standing middle of, looking at the mess around him.

There is new presences with him in the room, but he doesn't turn around to see them. He's frozen on his place, scared to death for his friends safety.

"Oh fuck." Male voice curses behind him, ordering other people around them before stepping close and laying hand over his shoulder, snapping Jimin out of the daze he's in.

"I'll find him, don't worry" Jimin looks up, and can see stoic face and dark, burning eyes shining, when the taller looks around the room, clearly disturbed by the blood.

"I hope you do really use all of your assets to finding him" Jimin whispers.

Unlike naive and trusting Taehyung, Jimin knows who raven haired is, he has heard all the rumors about him, and read all the newspaper articles about him and his organization.

And funnily enough, the reputation what Jungkook has made himself, makes Jimin breath little easier, trusting it that if someone can find his friend, it's the notorious mob boss next to him.

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