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A.n. Finally an update!



It took only two more drinks, to get them forget about their friends, and only focus on their own needs.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung to the wall near the bathrooms, his mouth capturing youngers lips, their hands roaming feverishly. They kept kissing, until their lungs ached for air.

"I've been wanting to meet you for a long time." Jungkook growls, licking the other neck, nibbling it. Taehyung moans, craining his neck more to give other more access.

"I've been dreaming about you" blonde breaths out, making the dominant male chuckle. "Oh, yeah. Has your dreams been about something like this?"

Jungkook pushes his knee between Taehyung's legs, rubbing it slightly on the smaller males hardening groin.

But before Taehyung can answer, their heated moment is ruined when Yoongi steps in the hallway.

"Kook, we need to go, like ASAP" his voice is concerned, and Jungkook can see how his hand is resting on his gun, tucked in his waistband. He nods to the other, and turns back at the disheveled blonde.

"Duty calls, I see you around." He lands a bruising kiss on the others lips, before disappearing from him in the darkness, leaving hot and bothered male behind.

Taehyung leans his head on the wall, trying to calm himself, and understand what the hell happened.

"Tae!" Jimin shouts over the booming music, and reaches to his friend. "Here you are, I was almost worried about you." Shorter man says to his friend, pulling him with him.

"Come, our song is playing and I want to dance"


Bang. Bang.

Two down, one left. Jungkook's eyes rake over the bodies, finally landing over the kneeling man on his right.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asks, crouching down, and pulling the tied up males head up from his hair.

"Ple-please.." man cries, and Jungkook cocks his head to the side, looking at him almost playfully.

"I didn't ask that." He pushes his gun on the cheek of the male, klicking safety off, making the other cry and shiver even more.

"I asked, if you would be ready to talk, and tell me what I want?" His voice is dark, looming and powerful. Man in his knees shiver, crying loudly.

"I will! I tell you everything! Just please don't kill me!" He shouts, and finally Jungkook stands up, lets go of his hair and pulls his gun away.


Crying male on his knees lowers his head and breaths freely first, before lifting his head up and meeting raven haired males eyes.

"It's the Chinese mafia, I got my orders personally from Mister Wu." Yoongi steps up surprised. "Kris?" Man nods eagerly, waiting for his freedom.

"What did he ask you to do?" Hoseok asks from behind, stepping out of the darkness. Male in front shivers, before answering. "He told us to interfere with your shipment, and bring it back in the base, and he would deal with it personally."

Jungkook klicks his gun, loading it, and shooting one bullet right between captives eyes. His dead body tips forward, lying in his feet.

"You have a problem" he says darkly, kicking the dead, before lifting his gaze up.

"I know. I deal with it." Blond male, dressed in navy suit steps out. He stands there, looking at the dead man in the ground, hands in his pockets.

"You better, or I come visit, and we deal with it my way." Jungkook growls at the blond, who only nods.
"I know, I'm sorry"

"Clean this shit, they were your men" raven haired says, pointing at the three dead bodies in the ground, and blond male nods to his men, who submerged from darkness, and started to lift bodies in the black bags.

Jungkook snarls angrily at the sight, before waving his men to follow.

"I'm excepting to hear from you soon." He says to the man, and disappears without listening his answer.

Hoseok and Yoongi follow him, bickering, when the blond stops them. "Who pissed in his Cheerios? He's grumpier than usual."

Hoseok laughs loudly, and Yoongi smirks, answering to him.

"Blue balls, he was heavily making out with the pretty boy, when I had to interfere."

"So, I would advice you deal with your problem soon, or even you might get from bullet" Hoseok's dark expression turns back his bright, when he waves to the startled male, turning to follow others.

"Bye Jackson, it was pleasure as always!"

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