Raven haired male steps out of the car, followed by two off his loyal companion, and walks straight towards the dark rundown building.
"They are in the second floor, ten guys" Seokjin says in their earpieces, guiding them from the safety of their house.
Jungkook tries the door, but it's locked. Yoongi steps in front, picking the lock, opening it with slight klick.
"We are in." Hoseok says quietly, alerting the one watching over them.
Insides of the abandoned factory is dusty, and dark, when they marched towards stairs leading them up in the second floor.
"Second door on Kooks right"
Second door is also locked, but this time Jungkook kicks it open, door slamming with force on the wall, noise straddles the males sitting inside, playing cards.
Hoseok and Yoongi are in front, pointing their guns at the stunned people inside, when Jungkook steps in, looking over them with dark eyes.
"Hello boys, I heard that you have been misbehaving." He chuckles, looking over the frightened faces of the males.
He pulls his knife from his waist, checking its blade nonchalant, not looking at the others. "If you tell me which one has been a bad boy, I will let you go" he chuckles.
It doesn't take long when the crooks are pushing two of the males in front. Jungkook looks up, and looks around in the room.
Then he smiles, chuckling lightly. "That's good." He nods at the two males who came with him. "Shoot 'em"
There are some noises with disbelief for his command when the two males klick their safety off and points at the males quivering at the back wall.
"You said you let us go if we tell you who it was!" One of the crooks voices out, and Jungkook locks his eyes at him. "I did." He says, still playing with his knife.
"But you see, you knew they were doing this behind my back, and yet, not one of you guys game front and told me." His voice is soft, mockingly so, and he cocks his head to the side like a puppy, looking at the man speaking, pouting little. "So, I need to kill you too" his innocent act drops as soon as his knife lodged between the other males eyes with a grunt.
"End this, and get me my knife. I'm bored" he says to the other two who only nods, starting fire, while he steps out of the room.
Distant gunshots are heard when he walks downstairs and out of the factory.
"Are you okay?" Jin's voice in his ear snaps his out of his daze. "Yeah, I'm just full of their disrespect." Jungkook says, lighting a cigarette, and inhaling.
Smoke burns his lungs, and the nicotine is calming his nerves, when he closes his eyes and exhales.
He did not necessary like this lifestyle, but he was born in it, and it was only thing he could do in his life. He was grateful that he had his crew. His family.
"You shot more than me, that's unfair!" Hoseok whines loudly when they step outside. Yoongi laughs at his friend, shoving him a little. "You are just a bad at shooting"
"Yah! It's not my fault that I fell down last night and hurt myself, so I had hard time standing!" Hoseok shrieks, and Yoongi laughs out loud, almost missing his steps with the force from his laughter.
Jungkook stares at the two surprised, kinda out of the loop. "Yeah, right. Did you forget that your room is right next to mine?" Yoongi asks and Hoseok blushes bright red.
"Di-did you.." Hoseok stammers, and Yoongi only smirks. "Hear you? Yeah, Seokjin is kinda loud and so are you."
Yoongi steps away from the stunned male, leaving him behind. "What did I miss?" Jungkook asks from the other, who steps next to him, and takes his cigaret out of his hand, stumping it.
But before Yoongi can answer, loud noise in their earpiece demands their attention.
"Yah! Min Yoongi! At least we are fucking inside our group, not out like you. Do you really think that nobody knows your little trips to the Chinese gang?" Furious Seokjin babbles at their ear, making Yoongi blush.
Jungkook only looks down at him, raising one of his eyebrows with a silent question.
"It's just Jackson, don't worry." Yoongi mumbles, clearly embarrassed. Jungkook nods, and turns towards Hoseok, taking his earpiece out.
"Let's go guys, we can continue this at home. Let's buy some alcohol and I want to know who is fucking and with who"Both males groan loudly, and Jungkook only chuckles, sliding inside the car accompanied with two bickering males.
"It was your fault" Hoseok growls at his friend. "You did not need to be that loud if you wanted nobody to know!" Yoongi whines back, making the male in the backseat laugh.
It's going to be interesting night for them.

Under the stars
FanfictionMafia au, where Taehyung is sweet sensitive nurse, who works in the emergency room. One night he ends up batching up dark, tall and handsome male, who had nasty gut.