Chapter 32: On the edge

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Catalina lost her breath from the apparation, inhaling and exhaling soundly with her eyes closed while Draco held her to his chest. He placed her on the sand gently, brushing several strands of hair off her sweaty face. "Please, Lina, hold on." He begged his best friend.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Dobby came running to her side to check if she was ok. Harry bent down and looked at her. "We heard her screaming from the cellar, what happened?" He turned to Draco.

"Harry, look." Hermione touched slightly her arms where "mudblood" was written in cuts.

"Bellatrix used the cruciatus curse on her. And then Voldemort made my father use it on her through imperio." Draco explained shortly to the trio.

"Bloody hell, two curses at once?" Ron exclaimed. "That's cruel."

Hermione gasped. "What is this?" Her eyes went to her pale legs that were covered in blood.

"She... she had a miscarriage." Draco gulped, feeling tears in his eyes as he remembered the pain that his friend had to go through. He blinked the tears away and tried to stay strong for her.

Ron's eyes held a look of realization but he knew it wasn't a proper time to ask questions about it.

"We have to get her inside." Ron said.

"Draco?" Harry's eyes widened, looking at Catalina. He then moved his eyes on Draco, over his shoulder. "She stopped breathing."


Catalina woke up in an unknown place. She got up and looked around confused wondering where she was. The pain was gone, she didn't feel anything.

She turned around and noticed that the place seemed infinite, with nothing to see from afar. It was foggy and slightly cold.

The girl started to walk, slowly, her steps taking her to nowhere in particular. She felt disoriented but she was at peace. The memories of what happened just recently were still there but they made her feel nothing.

Her eyes narrowed as they laid upon a figure sitting on a bench. She got closer and closer and noticed that it was a child who was maybe three or four years old. The young witch approached the child, wondering where their parents were.

She tried to put on her warmest smile as she bent down, to be eye level with them. She heard soft sobs coming from them and saw the little hand trying to wipe away the tears.

"Hello there." She greeted in a soft voice. The girl in front of her raised her head with tears in her eyes and several strands of light brown, wavy hair falling on her ivory skin. Her deep blue eyes stared into Catalina's hazel ones.

"Mommy?" She asked confused.

Realization hit Catalina. She widened her eyes in shock, having several tears falling on her face. Without any hesitation, she pulled the child into her arms and buried her face into her hair. "I'm here, I'm here." She whispered while caressing her hair gently. "It's really you." She sobbed.

Catalina pulled back from the kid looking at her and giving the most genuine smile. "You are so beautiful." She admired her child. "You have his eyes." She felt her heart shattering while she cupped the child's face.

"Mum, I'm scared. It hurt..."

"I know, love. But it's over now. I won't let anyone hurt you again."


"No, no, no, no!" Draco rushed to her side once again, pushing Harry out of his way and making him fall back. He put his hand on the side of her throat gently then placed his ear on her chest. The panic took over him when he realized that he couldn't hear or feel her heartbeat anymore. "Catalina, no, wake up." He shook her in desperation, starting to cry.

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