Chapter 41: Confession

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Catalina returned to Hogwarts, in the Headmaster's office.

It was past 8 PM and she already felt tired. Correcting tests and struggling to brew a potion with so many ingredients worn her out. And also, there was Lucius who couldn't leave her mind. He looked so lonely and vulnerable that it made her pity him. She knew he was an awful person to Draco and Narcissa and that's why she couldn't understand why she cared so much about him.

She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts. Her mind needed to be rested for the exams that will come and even more if she wants to find a cure for Lucius' scars as she told him she would.

Catalina raised her head and looked towards the desk, where Severus was seated and held little Lucille on his lap while both of them admired the Phoenix bird standing in front of them and ruffling it's feathers. Lucille watched in awe the majestic bird while Severus braided her long hair. Catalina smiled at the sight in front of her.

"Hey, you two." She smiled, drawing their attention.

"Mommy!" Lucille exclaimed happily.

She went to their side, bending down and giving Severus a peck on his lips. "Braiding?" She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"I think I'm getting a hold of it." He said, proudly. She watched his fingers skillfully creating a beautiful braid out of the light brown hair.

"Why aren't you two in the chambers by now?" She scolded them gently.

"Daddy said to wait for you." Lucille looked up at her mother while placing her doll on the desk. Catalina folded her arms to her chest.

"Oh, he did?" Her eyes moved to Severus. "That's really nice of your father." She giggled while looking at Severus, making him roll his eyes. He gave her a subtle smile nonetheless.

"How adorable!" Dumbledore commented from his painting. "But I'm trying to sleep over here."

Severus puffed annoyed. "You sleep 12 hours Albus."

"Oh, yes, yes. And I assume you don't." He winked at Severus and Catalina. The young witch turned red as a tomato.

"Alright, time to go to our chambers, Lucille." She picked her daughter up in her arms. "No need to hear something you shouldn't." She shot a glare to Dumbledore only making him laugh.

The three of them headed for the dungeons and went straight to their chambers. With a flick of his wand, Severus lit the fireplace to turn the living room warm and cozy. The dinner was already there, on the table, brought by the house elf.

They all sat down and started eating.


Two weeks have passed since Catalina last saw Lucius. The exams have passed rather quickly so she got rid of the stress of correcting them. She was proud that most of her students passed. It was for the first time in years when so many students passed Potions.

As she was throwing asphodel in the brewing cauldron, an owl came flying through the window and landed on her desk. She recognized it as being Draco's owl.

The girl took the small parchment and opened it. There was an invitation, from Draco, to a Ball that he wanted to organize at the Malfoy manor in order to celebrate Harry becoming the Minister of magic. The invitation was addressed to both Catalina and Severus. She smiled and looked at the date. It was two weeks from that very moment, time that Draco needed to put together all the details.

It was weird, she thought, Draco really used to hate any kind of celebration but she took a guess that Harry's new position would require for him to act a certain way.

As she finished brewing the potion, she poured it into a small vial and then proceeded to clean and moisturize her hands. Catalina was happy that Severus created a small potions lab for her at his home in Spinner's End. He cleaned and furnished an old, small room where his father used to lock him after he abused him.

A shiver ran down Catalina's spine as she recalled his gruesome stories about his childhood. It was amazing how he struggled to be a good parent despite the fact that he never had one as an example. He contained himself everytime Lucille did something out of line and never even raised his voice at her. Instead, he used to scold her sternly and have a discussion on why what she did was wrong and how she could correct it in the future.

This is why Lucille was never scared of him. She was anxious when she did something wrong, sure, but never scared. Catalina was really proud of him.

It was late at night so Catalina decided to go to their bedroom and go to sleep. She opened the door slowly, thinking that Severus was asleep, but to her surprise, he was seated on the bed, holding one of her rings between his fingers and analyzing it with his brows knitted.

"Everything alright, my love?" She closed the door behind.

He sighed, placing the ring on the nightstand and getting up from his spot. "I'm just thinking about something I should do but I'm too selfish to do it."

Catalina crocked her head to the side, confused. "Selfish how? Maybe I can help you." She took his hand in hers and rubbing her thumb on his knuckles.

He shook his head and grabbed her face gently. "No matter what, I love you. You know that, right?" He searched her eyes. "I'm so thankful for everything you gave me. I didn't even deserve this much from you."

"What are you talking about?" She placed her own hands on his, caressing them gently. Worry was present in her eyes as she studied his face.

"After everything I've been through as a child and as a teen, I was sure that I'm unworthy of love or of anyone. But then you came and changed what I thought." He kissed her forehead. "I still don't believe that it's real that someone like you could love someone like me."

"Where is this all coming from? Of course I love you." She looked sympathetically into his eyes.

He smiled. "You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. And I will always keep those memories with me no matter what happens from now on."

"Why are you acting like this? You worry me."

"Because everything is about to change between us, Catalina. I've kept things from you, I've lied to you and... I tied you to me knowing this..." he ran a hand through his hair, getting frustrated with himself.

"Nothing will change between us, Severus, look at me." She caught his face between her hands, making him look into her eyes. "Is this about what you had to do when you were a Death Eater?" 

"No, it's something worse." he inhaled.

"What could be worse?" she laughed lightly.

Severus bent down and kissed her lips deeply, taking his time, imprinting her touch and her taste on his lips. "I love you." He whispered with his lips barely touching hers. "Defacio obliviate."

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