Chapter 40: Amortentia

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Catalina became stiff as Lucius took slow and small steps towards her. Of course, he was under Imperio and wasn't responsible for joining Voldemort and spreading the pureblood supremacy but there were still his hands that spilled blood and this thought alone, terrified her.

He was a pureblood and a powerful wizard, there is no doubt in that and even in his weak state, Catalina felt like he could overpower her. And also, there was this thought that she was a muggle born and he was someone who had strong beliefs when it came to her kind.

She used to be brave and face everything with a strong will, however, now she had someone else to worry about. Her daughter. And her husband. She had a loving family to return to and pissing off a former Death Eater, wasn't in her plans.

He stopped in front of her, looking like he can barely stand on his feet. He tried to straighten his back and seem healthy but he failed miserably. Although the man was only 45, he looked 70 at best.

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy." She forced an awkward smile.

"Good evening, Miss Fawley." He politely greeted, trying to keep the wave of feelings in check.

"It's Mrs. Prince, actually." She corrected him, awkwardly.

"Prince?" Lucius asked, confused.

"It's Severus mother's maiden name. He wanted me to have her name instead of his father's." She wrinkled her nose in disgust, remembering all the stories her husband told her about his childhood and about how his muggle father abused both him and his mother after discovering that they have magical blood.

"Oh, of course..." he felt his heart breaking upon hearing her new title. "I didn't know you married, Catalina." He spoke with his voice barely audible and cracking.

"Well, I didn't plan to, but my daughter happened so here I am." She chuckled. She felt extremely uncomfortable in his presence and the small talk made it even more awkward. Of course, she remembered that she used to talk to him whenever she visited Draco and they got along really well, but that was before the war, before everything.

"Daughter?" He felt like the breath was knocked out of him. "I'm... I'm happy for you, Mrs. Prince." He felt like his heart was ripped from his chest. It was like every word from that sentence stung.

Catalina nodded happily and took out of her pocket a small vial. "Draco told me about what bothers you so I brew a potion that will help with insomnia, stress and panic attacks." The girl looked at the green liquid.

"Uh, I don't have a wand anymore. May I?" She extended her hand.

Lucius nodded, pulling his own wand from his cane and handing it to her. It felt so light in her hand, thing that she found weird. Usually, it was hard for her to use someone else's wand. She even had problems with handling Severus' wand.

With a quick flick, she brought a tea spoon between her fingers. "Now this will be three drops everyday starting from now." She poured three drops and handed the tea spoon to Lucius. His hand briefly touched hers, sending sparks to his skin and making him tremble slightly.

"Thank you." He said before swallowing the medicine. Catalina handed him the vial as well.

"Well, I guess I'll leave now." She was about to turn to the floo when his voice stopped her.

"Wait... would you like... maybe... to join me for some tea? It's the least I could do for you offering me your kindness." He watched her with hopeful eyes. Above all things, it was her comfort and company that he needed the most to not go fully insane. He knew she had a family and this was wrong but he just couldn't help it. It was selfish to think like this but she was his everything now that Draco had a life of his own.

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