Chapter 2: Sneaky Encounter

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"Everyone's enthusiasm for the last year is ridiculous." Draco commented while walking side by side with Catalina in the long hallways of Hogwarts. He held a book in one hand and with the other he arranged his black turtleneck.

"Yeah, I guess so." Catalina said absently. She couldn't take her mind off from going back home. She had to go back to the muggle world and live hidden, just like someone ordinary. But was it really that easy to pretend to be ordinary after you got used to the extraordinary?

"Hey there Pottah." Draco said enthusiastically in a mocking manner. His oh so charming smirk was all over his face as he took in the disastrous state of his colleague. "Did you take the Weasley style?" He laughed.

"I just screwed up a potion, Draco." Harry took of his glasses, trying to wipe them on his robe.

"Oh no, tell me that this didn't happen in Potions." Catalina gasped. "No, now Snape will be in a bad mood. He will definitely take it on us. Just what I needed." She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for your concern." Harry replied with the same sass.

Catalina walked over and patted his shoulder friendly. "Chin up, the chosen one, you will be fine." She winked.

Harry looked how Catalina passed by him, smiling subtly.

"Don't even think about it, Pottah." Draco got close to his face, so close that he could feel Harry's breath.

He retreated and started following her down the stairs until they got to the dungeons.

The class has passed real fast with Snape being the same moody old man that Catalina knew so well. She remembered being attracted to him in the sixth year but she convinced herself that trying anything with a professor, especially of his age, would be unethical.  And if the rumors were true, he would never get over Harry's mother anyway.

"Well, Draco, I'm going to the library." She announced her blond friend while he was talking to other several Slytherins.

"Go ahead, Catalina. See you in the common room, later?" He waved.

Catalina nodded. "I will be there before we have to go to sleep." The girl replied giving Draco a shadow of a smile.

She was about to turn the corner when she heard a familiar voice talking in slow motion, like he always does.

"Don't be careless." He demanded angrily.

Her curiosity will be the death of her but she couldn't help to peek around the corner to see why the professor was so worked up. There, she noticed a pile of blond, long hair that she couldn't mistake for anything else. It was Draco's father but why was he talking to Snape?

"You don't have a choice, Lucius, you have to... miss Fawley..." Catalina jumped slightly, placing a hand on her heart that was racing. She was caught. Of course she was caught by Severus. It was always Severus. Now she will surely get punished.

"Come out, miss Fawley." He looked straight at the wall behind which his nosey student was hidden.

Catalina peeked her head from around the corner slightly, giving her professor an awkward smile.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Lucius turned around, analyzing her from head to toes and taking in her attire that revealed way too much. She was sure that Snape noticed it as well and that he will bring it up soon enough.

The older Malfoy gave her a wicked smirk and stretched his hand.

Hesitantly, Catalina placed her palm in his and watched him bring it to his lips and kiss it. The sudden act of courtesy made her cheeks turn a deep shade of crimson, making her forget entirely that Snape was standing two feets away, watching them.

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