Chapter 18: Yule presents

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The Weasley twins dragged Catalina outside, in the cold. They both barged back into the kitchen trying to convince the young witch to join them for a snowball fight. It would be Harry, Ron and Bill against the twins and her. Hermione chose to not engage in such activities when outside was freezing so she decided to make a scarp book with Ginny by the fireplace. Catalina thought, at first, that her team would have no chance considering that the rival team had a Quidditch athlete, the oldest youngster among them and... Ron. But she remembered how ingenious the twins were not only when it came to pranks but in everything they put their mind into. And they really looked like they were obsessed with this victory.

"We have 15 minutes to build the wall that will shelter us and make the ammo, Catalina. Me and George will build it and you make the snowballs." Fred instructed strictly, making Catalina giggle. They really took seriously this ordeal.

"And remember, no magic." Bill reminded his enemies. Catalina pouted and put her wand back in her coat. She wanted so badly to secure the wall with a spell that would make it tougher.

The twins gathered as much snow as they coulda l and started pilling it and pressing on it with their hands to solidify it. Catalina kept making the snowballs, squeezing them and trying to make them as hard as she could. She just prayed that she won't injury anyone in the process. Her wrists hurt and her  hands were frozen. "Oh, come on, can I do at least a spell that will make me warmer?"

"No!" Harry and Ron raised from behind their snow wall at the same time and said in unison. Catalina puffed annoyed and returned to making the ammo.

"Come on 'Lina, we don't have all day!" The twins joined her behind the secured wall and started helping her. After 15 minutes and a fairly big mountain of snowballs, Fred looked over the wall at their enemies, trying to see what the target was doing.

Suddenly, he saw a snowball coming for his face. He dodged in the last moment, throwing himself on the ground. "The attack is on. Stay strong!" He shouted. George took a snowball and threw it at Bill. The eldest Weasley brother tried to dodge it but it hit him in the shoulder in the last minute. He groaned and hid himself next to Harry and Ron.

Catalina got on her feet and tried to point above their wall and straight onto them. She was prepared to throw when Harry jumped out and threw a snowball right at her face. She got on the ground, rolling her own body and started mimicking her best friend. "It's killed me, it's killed me!" She whined dramatically.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry said while laughing, throwing another snowball at her but she rolled on the ground, dodging it.

"Bring it on, Pottah." She challenged him.


After two long hours of playing snow fighting, all of them entered the house, ruffling the snow off their hair. The warmth of the house combined with the smell of freshly baked cookies, revived all their frozen limbs. Ron let out a groan of appreciation as soon as it hit his nostrils. Catalina was still smiling because she was proud of being a part of the winning team. Of course, she didn't do much, but she was still proud.

"Mom, I think we deserve extra cookies for our victory today." George grinned.

"You have to wait until tomorrow, after the feast, George." She put her hands on her hips, scolding them.

"I'm not George, I'm Fred." George said, placing a hand on his heart and acting hurt. "Seriously woman, and you call yourself our mother!" He could barely contain his laughter.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fred." She grabbed his cheeks and looked lovingly into his eyes.

They both busted out laughing. "I'm joking, I'm George." He said, earning himself a light slap over the shoulder from Molly.

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