Chapter 13: Yule Ball

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It was the night of the Yule Ball and every girl rushed in and out of the dormitory and the common room to either find their lost make up, accessories or clothes. It was a mess everywhere. Catalina's white sheets were strained with pink blush and the entire room smelt like 100 flowers that made her cough. She didn't get the hype. Get ready in three hours only to have a dance with a mediocre boy who will forget about their mere existence after the year is over. These girls should learn how to do that for themselves, she thought, not for wizards who failed all the classes they were in.

Catalina sighed and pushed herself off the bed. After the stunt she pulled in the Hall, with Draco, not many Slytherins talked to her. But it was alright, she felt like her social battery drained anyway.

"I know Blaise is my partner but I hope I will catch a dance with Draco." One of the girls said which made Catalina snort. Her other two friends turned towards the young witch, throwing daggers at her.

She went to her wardrobe and opened it, pulling her black dress from the rack. Her fingers ran on the soft material and she sighed in desperation. She had to go to see how her arrangement for Draco and Harry worked out.

With a flick of her wand, she was fully dressed, her hair arranged in well defined waves and as for make up, she wore eyeliner and deep red lipstick. She looked simple but elegant. It was a proper attire for her age and style. Involuntarily, she touched the base of her back, remembering Lucius' hand holding her tightly and guiding her steps.

The necklace he gifted her laid on her collarbones, the 'M' shining in the candles' light, making her admire it even more than before. 

She shook her head. No Lucius tonight. No Voldemort threat, no Death Eaters. It would be a special night for her best friend and who knows, maybe she will enjoy it as well.

Without another word to the Slytherin girls, Catalina sneaked out of the room. In the common room were several Slytherins that were waiting for their dates to get ready. All the eyes turned towards Catalina, analyzing her from head to toes while their mouths formed an "o".

"Draco?" She addressed to no one in particular.

They all shook their heads, mumbling several "no". Catalina bowed her head politely and exited the Slytherin common room, heading for the Gryffindor's common room. On her way there, she passed by Professor McGonagall who gave her a heartfelt smile which she returned. There, she spotted a familiar figure which made her jump behind the nearest corner.

Draco was standing there, nervously and awkwardly, waiting. He wore a full black suit and his hair was slightly curly. He really put effort into that, which made Catalina giggle. She wrote to Harry in the letter that his date will wait for him in front of his common room. She didn't tell him who he was, she told Harry to trust her, which he did.

The painting opened and Harry finally stepped out, being surprised to see Draco.

"Draco?" He asked confused.

"Hello, Harry." He greeted the boy, making Catalina squeal silently.

"Are you...?" The boy in glasses didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Yes, I guess I am." Draco answered awkwardly.

Deciding to give them some privacy, Catalina started heading towards the Hall. The hallways were full of couples that talked and giggled. The girls were holding the boys' arms while they led them towards the Hall.

As soon as Catalina entered the Hall, she gasped in awe at how beautifully it was decorated. The enchanted snow flew around, not touching anything while the muggle style decorations gave the Hall a proper spirit of the Christmas to come. Everything was in white and gold and Catalina deeply enjoyed the colors chosen.

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