Chapter 23: No words needed

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"You really mean this?" Catalina asked, being unable to contain her wide smile.

"Yes, Catalina." He answered truthfully.

For this day, she wanted to forget about being expelled, about being bullied and about losing her best friend. She just wanted to be tangled in Lucius' arms for the rest of the day.

She jumped in his arms, taking him by surprise. Catalina smashed her lips against his while he wrapped his arms around her, hesitantly. He was afraid that she would step away any minute considering that he, indeed, ruined her life.

Catalina yearned to hear more from him, more about his feelings towards her. She wanted to crack him and hear him saying those three words that would completely gain her over. But she knew, deep down, that it wasn't the case. Lucius showing her that he cares for her well being is probably the most she would get. She was convinced that the man was truly broken and he cannot love. But hell, she would take anything she can get. She knew that she loved him and nothing else mattered.

The girl pulled back so she can breathe properly. She rested her forehead against his while having her eyes closed. His thumb went to her lower lip and pulled it gently. "Let's do it gently tonight."

She hoped he wasn't reading her mind because she was squealing inside. She loved his rough side and his kinks and how he brought out of her a submissive side she didn't knew she had. The spicy sex was her favorite thing about him but right now, she needed this love making to be entirely convinced that he, at least, had something close to love for her.

Lucius grabbed the back of her thighs, making her wrap her legs around him. With his mouth connected to hers and their tongues dancing with each other, he carefully entered the small living room and laid her down, on the fur carpet, in front of the fireplace.

His hands roamed on her clothed body, taking the time to appreciate her curves. He gave her ass a squeeze, then lifted one of her legs so he can lay better on top of her, with his already anticipating cock, pressed firmly against her core. She let out a moan, gripping his hair and guiding his lips towards her neck.

He obliged, kissing her jaw, then her neck, filling it with sloppy kisses. She let out a sigh of pleasure when his hand went to her clothed boob and started massaging it gently, his thumb flicking her already erect nipple. He pressed his hips harder against her own and moved in circular motion.

It was like her core was on fire and she already was dripping, straining her underwear and her pants. Lucius raised his head to look at her. "You are so beautiful." He said, making her blush.

"Oh, sush." She pulled his head back. The hand on her breast went lower and it lifted slightly her sweater, resting on her heated skin.

Her hands fumbled with his cloak, unclasping it and throwing it somewhere, in the room. She went to loft his sweater.

Seeing her struggle, he pulled apart and pulled his sweater over his head, revealing that fit chest that she loved so much. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as they traveled on his body until they reached his crotch. She earned a smug smirk from Lucius.

"Now let me see you." He demanded. His hand raised her sweater more and more til her boobs were on full display. "Perfect." He whispered as he cupped them both, squeezing them. He loved how they fit perfectly in his hands. Catalina took off her sweater entirely, being left half naked.

Lucius took a nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting gently. Her hands found their way back in his hair while she arched her back and pushed her chest deeper in his mouth. He pulled back and gave the same attention to the other breast while one of his hands caressed her core through her pants, making Catalina sweat.

With his other hand, Lucius undid the button of her pants and started pulling them down. He pulled back from her while she wiggled to get out of her clothes. He pulled her panties down at the same time, leaving her bare and vulnerable in front of him. He licked his lips watching how beautiful she looked while the flames casted shadows on her naked body.

He also undid the button of his trousers and pulled them down with his underwear, his cock bouncing and standing tall. Catalina bit her lower lip at how godly he looked. She could never get enough of this man. He took over all her senses and she was completely at his mercy.

He caressed the side of her hip with one hand while he used the other to stroke himself. "I could watch you like this all day." He confessed.

Lucius lowered himself on her body, hugging her and devouring her mouth once again while slowly starting to penetrate her. Catalina let out a loud moan while her legs hooked around his hips, pushing him deeper. Her hands went around his neck, keeping him glued to her, like she never wanted to let go.

He started to move slowly and it took all the power inside him to not just fuck the shit out of her. He wanted to prove her that he meant everything he said. But on another side, he could feel her better like this. The agonizing slow thrust made him feel better the muscles inside her gripping him.

He pulled apart from her mouth while continuing to thrust inside her. There was nothing more erotic than both of them looking into each other's eyes lovingly.

Catalina's face had a shade of pink and he couldn't pinpoint if it was because of the fire, the heat, or the emotional proximity.

"A bit faster." She moaned, holding onto his shoulders.

They both felt sweat dripping on their bodies. Lucius obliged, starting to move faster while caressing her thighs. She let her head fall back, moaning his name while he kept grunting and cursing under his breath about how good she was.

Soon enough. She felt her tightening around him and her whole body shaking. He clentched his teeth as his orgasm approached as well, letting himself finish inside her and filling her up.

Coming down from her high, Catalina opened her eyes, looking at him lovingly while he panted and pulled out of her, letting some drops of his cum fall on the carpet.

She gave him a heartfelt smile which he returned. She never saw him smile like that so she was mesmerized by it like a cat seeing a Christmas tree for the first time. She gently touched his cheek and caressed it. He closed his eyes, finding comfort in her touch.

After what seemed like forever, he pulled her on his chest while pulling his cloak over them. He kissed her forehead and caressed the hair at the back of her head. Without many words being shared, they understood each other by the way their bodies connected.

When she quickly drifted off, he let his sad expression take over. "You will hate me soon enough." He whispered.


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