Chapter 49: Family bonding

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Catalina stretched her arms and yawned. The bed felt more comfy and warm than ever and she only wanted to snuggle all day and forget about responsibilities. A strong arm was hooked around her waist, holding her back to a firm chest while her own arms were around someone else's arm while her nose was buried in the crock of his neck.

Opening her eyes lazily, she noticed that the man she was holding was Severus who still snored softly. Behind her, Lucius murmured in his sleep and buried his face even more in her hair.

Memories of the previous night came back quickly, making the blood rush to her cheeks. She couldn't believe that she just had a threesome with the most handsome men that she ever met. Everything seemed like a dream and she wanted to pinch herself but she wasn't quite sure that waking up from it would be good. This was everything she ever wanted but didn't really want to admit. Now she could say that her sex life was fulfilled.

Her fingers traced the skin on Severus' chest. The girl remembered the first time they had sex in his chambers at Hogwarts. He was so self conscious about his body but thorough the years, Catalina managed to convince him that he was beautiful in her eyes. It didn't matter what some fools from school thought about him, he is perfect the way he is and Catalina loved every single inch of his skin. Even the scars from his childhood because they showed her how strong he was.

"They aren't ugly, Severus. You aren't ugly. Look at me." She caught his face full of tears between her tiny hands, making him look into her eyes. "You survived this. You are so strong and because you had the power to carry on, I met you." Catalina looked into his pained eyes sympathetically.

"I love every part of you. In my eyes, no inch of your body is ugly. You may not believe me but I can show you." She let go of his face and glued her lips to his neck, going lower on his chest and kissing softly all the scars he had from his abusive father. She kissed them all one by one, making sure to not skip any of it. Severus looked at her in awe and couldn't believe his eyes. This woman right here was not scared of him, she didn't consider him ugly or disgusting and frankly, she was only the second one to treat him as an actual human with emotions and feelings.

He felt a familiar warmth spreading in his chest. One that he hasn't felt in years and frankly, he was a bit scared of how good and calming it felt.

Severus' eyebrows knitted. "You are thinking too loud." He murmured in his raspy, morning voice. Catalina chuckled.

"Sorry." He smiled with his eyes still closed. A smile that was only reserved for her.

Lucius rolled on his side of the bed and groaned. "It's too early."

Catalina rolled until her head rested on his chest, making him hiss in pain. "Sorry, I forgot about your scars." She tried to pull back as she felt guilty for inflicting pain, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back on his chest.

"For you, my love, it's worth any kind of pain." Catalina purred.

"But now I have to go and take Lucille from Draco and Potter." He threw the sheet off of him. "But you stay in bed with Severus for as long as you want but get dressed before we come home." He kissed her forehead.

Catalina groaned and rolled on her back. "I hate clothes."

Lucius smirked and winked at her. "On you? Me too."

As he started getting dressed, Catalina admired his peachy butt and how good it looked. She was almost drooling at the sight. It was plump and well toned and she was afraid that soon enough, his will look better than hers.

"Severus is right, my dear, you are thinking too loud." He chuckled.


Lucius knocked on Potter's door anxiously, waiting for them to answer so he could pick up Lucille. He wasn't used to act like a real father, Draco used to be in Narcissa's care and she was helped by the elves as he was too busy with managing the fortune to get involved. But now, he got a second chance at making it right, at being a good father and he didn't want to screw it up. He wanted Lucille to trust him and feel comfortable around him. He wanted her to come to him if she needed anything, even emotional support. The Malfoy will try his best and he will have his beautiful fiancée to help him along the way with some advice.

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