Chapter 7: Aftermath

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"Catalina, catch!" Fred shouted, already throwing a plastic bag towards the young witch. She caught it right before it hit her face.

"What is it?" She asked, confused.

"Jelly. Our own production. Try it." He encouraged her.

"Are you trying to poison me?" She laughed. George came by her side, ruffling her hair.

The match ended with their team winning. Arthur was extremely proud of winning the bets and he couldn't help but put the entire group in a good mood.

Catalina grabbed a jelly from the bag and threw it in her mouth. It tasted sour and sweet at the same time. She gave the twins a thumbs up, receiving a joyful wink from George.

"So we thought about gathering in our tent and telling old tales. Will you join us?" Harry asked Catalina with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I'm sure your stories are frightening. Yes, I will. But I need a bit of fresh air. I will be there before you'll start, big boy." She pulled him to her and kissed his forehead.

"Don't wander too far, woman." Fred shouted after her.

"Aww, the twins care about me. Touching." She laughed while holding a hand to her heart, sarcastically.


Catalina wandered around the camp, reaching it's end. It was quiet and calming, the cheering and voices being heard only in the background. She looked at the tiny fairy lights that were scattered around, giving the camp a cozy feeling. She loved it. It would be the last time this year when people could gather and camp. The winter was almost there and so were the freezing temperatures.

The wind ruffled her knee-length skirt and her hair.

"You shouldn't wander so far from the camp, miss Fawley." A raspy voice was heard behind her. She got goosebumps on her skin, feeling his breath on her neck.

Catalina cleared her throat and tried to seem unbothered by his mere presence. "Mr. Malfoy."

He circled her until he was face to face with her. She raised her head confidently to look up into his blue-grey eyes. They were even more beautiful in the moonlight, she thought.

"Are they, really?" He chuckled.

Catalina gasped. "Wh-what?"

"I presume you don't know how to use legilimens yet." He smirked down at her.

As soon as the realization hit her, she wanted nothing more but to disappear into the void and never bump into Lucius ever again. She turned her face away from him, but his firm fingers caught her chin and kept her face several inches from his.

"Now, now, don't be shy." He taunted her.

"I'm s-sorry." She stuttered. All her confidence was gone. How could she not guess that he would know how to do legilimens? He peered into her mind so easily. She felt vulnerable and exposed.

"What else have you thought about?" He asked slowly, his finger lingering on her jawline and caressing the sensitive skin. She sucked in a breath, closing her eyes. "You know, this isn't the first time I use it on you." He confessed truthfully. This is exactly what Catalina feared. Her dirty thoughts about the older Malfoy being perceived by another person. "But I would enjoy hearing it from you." He got closer to her face, his lips brushing hers.

Catalina felt intoxicated by him, her head spun and she couldn't form coherent sentences anymore. She was entirely at his mercy.

She dropped the bag of jelly, putting her hands on his chest and pushing him lightly, trying to put some distance between them. His hands traveled lower, on her exposed shoulders, leaving traces of goosebumps. "Look how flustered you are, how vulnerable." He concluded in a low and seductive tone.

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