Chapter 10: Touching

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Catalina felt a pounding in her head like someone was hitting her skull, but from inside. Her eyes were closed shut but she could see green stars in front of her eyes. She furrowed her brows, groaning in pain and moving her hand to her temple. With her other hand, she touched slightly the surface she was on. It was soft, like fur. She clenched her fist, confirming that it was, indeed, fur.

Her eyes snapped open and she noticed that she was in a room. Above her head, was a crystal chandelier, the walls were painted dark green and all the furniture seemed familiar. She was at the Malfoy Manor.

"You are awake." She heard a voice from her right side which made her jump slightly. Lucius was sitting in an armchair, next to her bed, finding support with both of his hands, on his cane.

He was watching her worriedly. There was no doubt that the man was awake all night, watching her and making sure that she was alright.

"Mr. Malfoy." Catalina whispered.

Lucius got un from his armchair, and took a seat on the bed, next to Catalina. She pushed herself to the other side, trying to put some distance between the two of them.

Although she was more than familiar with him, she felt weak and vulnerable having him this close. A shiver ran down her spine the moment his eyes made contact with hers and she couldn't understand why. Was she afraid of him? Of course not, he gave her no reason to be. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked in his raspy voice. Catalina analyzed his aparence and noticed that he had some stubble now which made him even more attractive.

"How did I get here?" She asked, scared.

"When I arrived at the Ministry with the others, you were knocked out on the ground. There was a battle going on and I couldn't leave you there." He lied.

Catalina gasped. "A battle? I have to get to the others." Catalina pushed the bed sheet in which she was covered, aside. Lucius placed a hand on her chest, pushing her softly back on bed. He let his hand linger there for a moment before he retreated.

"You've been knocked out by a spell, you can't fight. Besides, the fight is over. Your friends are safe back at Hogwarts." He said, bitterly.

"Draco?" She asked, confused.

"Still at Hogwarts." Lucius confirmed her thoughts.

"Then, how will I get back there?"

Lucius took a strand of her hair and twirled it around his finger. "Don't worry about that now, I will take you there." He smirked.

His eyes traveled on her now, uncovered body. The skirt she was wearing was way too short and her buttoned white shirt, had several buttons undone. Her black, lace bra was full on display. Her eyes followed his and she blushed.

"I'm sorry." Her fingers went to button her shirt but Lucius pushed them aside with his cane.

"Leave them." He ordered.

His cane traveled lower, on her body, until it traced the contour of her breasts. Catalina inhaled sharply.

"I will stop if you don't feel well." He pressed her nipple slightly.

"N-no, It's fine, I-" she closed her eyes.

With a flick of his cane, all her buttons were undone, leaving her bra exposed. Her first instinct was to cover her skin and so she did. Her hands went to her breasts, covering them.

"Now don't be shy." Lucius smirked.

With another flick of his cane, he unclasped her bra. He tapped her hands twice with his cane. "Take your hands off."

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