Chapter 27: Disarmed

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"Dad?" Catalina asked, shocked.

Cornelius took several big steps until he was face to face with Lucius. The Malfoy looked down at Catalina's father with disgust and an air of superiority. He wanted so badly to push his buttons and see how he would react but he couldn't do that in front of Catalina.

"I'm spending this lovely evening with my girlfriend." He answered flatly. "What are you doing here?" He asked with disgust. Nothing irked him more than the fact that this perfect evening was destroyed.

"Your girlfriend?" He fake laughed. "Look at you, A 41 years old man who can't fool a woman his age so he turns to teenagers." Cornelius mocked him.

"Dad, that's enough." Catalina tried to step between them but Lucius pushed her behind him lightly.

"This is exactly why your wife despises you." Cornelius spat. Lucius felt his anger raising and he couldn't contain himself for much longer.

"I advise you to refrain yourself for talking about my family." He said through gritted teeth.

"So you do have a family then, right?" Cornelius smirked. "How shameful."

Lucius drew his wand quickly and pointed it at Cornelius which only made Catalina's father smirk.

"Lucius!" She grabbed his arm, trying to pull it down while pleading him with her eyes to stop.

"Now she was able to see what kind of person you are." His eyes flew to his daughter. "Catalina, I believe I raised you better than going around and being a homewrecker." He scolded his daughter.

"You can say anything you want about me, but don't you dare insult Catalina." Lucius shouted in his face. "Expelliarmus." Cormelius flew in the nearby wall, hitting it roughly and falling to the ground. He whined in pain and tried to push himself off the floor.

"Dad!" Catalina hurried to his side and helped him get up, letting him find support on her. Cornelius raised his head slightly, smirking wickedly at Lucius. He put an arm around Catalina's waist and suddenly, apparated.


Catalina blinked a few times, opening her eyes wide and gasping. She looked around, scared, like she was searching for someone. Her father chuckled from beside her. "Are you looking for someone?"

"You bastard!" She screamed, pushing him off of her and letting him hit the nearby wall softly. He found support on it and looked at his angry daughter.

Catalina searched in her jacket but with no success.

"Looking for this?" His father held up her wand in his hands. Catalina's eyes widened in shock and she gulped the lump in her throat. She couldn't believe the way her own father deceived her. He sat on his own legs, dusting off his clothes. The difference of height made him look down at his daughter with pity in his eyes.

"I'm doing this for you, Lina, trust me. He is no good for you?" He said, feeling his heart clenching. He wasn't sorry that he pulled them apart, he was sorry that his daughter was so manipulated and blinded by that man that she couldn't see who he really was. What made him choose his daughter from everyone? Why his daughter? "I don't know what he told you, but that man doesn't care about you, he doesn't love you. He is only interested in power and money and maybe some fun on the side. I don't want you to be his victim." He said, pain being obvious on his face. "I know that at your age everything seems like a beautiful dream, but it isn't." He started walking towards the door.

"You don't know a single thing about him!" She shouted in anger with tears streaming down her face.

"And do you?" He looked over his shoulder. "How much has he told you about... his childhood, for example?"

Catalina avoided his eyes and looked down at her feet. She clenched her fists by her side. Her lower lip started to tremble and she felt the tears threatening to spill. She knew he was right, she barely knew anything about who Lucius really was but despite of all that, she could not shake the love she carried for him. He treated her the way no one ever did and he got out of his comfort zone for her. Him, the great Lucius Malfoy who doesn't do anything for anyone. And in exchange, she was also able to break his shell and soften him. They completed each other, there was no doubt.

"You still have time to get rid of everything that ties you to him." He looked at his daughter from head to toes. "Everything, Catalina." He closed the door, leaving her all alone with her thoughts in her old bedroom.

She was, yet again, in her childhood home, in the muggle world where Lucius had no chance of finding her. She let her tears fall on her face, covering her mouth so no one would hear her whimpers. The girl let her body fall softly to the ground and hugged her knees to her chest.


Lucius paced around the house impatiently. He will kill him. No, he will torture him for daring to take her away from him. She was his everything and someone took her away from him. He felt incomplete and vulnerable without her he should have bloody known that everything was too good to last.

"She will apparate back. She will." He spoke to himself.


It's been hours since Catalina fell on the floor. The tears dried on her cheeks and she stared numbly at the wall in front of her with empty eyes.

A knock was heard at the door but she couldn't react. "Lina, it's me, Arya." She heard the sweet voice of her sister but she just couldn't bring herself to answer. "Please, open the door."

Catalina's mind flew at her father's words. She just couldn't cut all ties with Lucius not even if she wanted to. Not now. He needed to know, he had the right to know.

Catalina pushed several strands of hair behind her ear and blinked several tears away. She started putting together, in her mind, a plan to retrieve her wand and get to Lucius.

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