Chapter 12: The dance

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It's been several weeks since Catalina last interacted with Lucius and she didn't feel like she could do it now. It was obvious that he would treat her as the side woman whenever he pleased and had no intention of actually being with her. Of course, how would she think that such a wealthy and respected man would fall for a 19 years old who didn't even finish her school yet?! For him, she was a fun thing, for her, he was something dangerous that would only leave her with emotional scars. And yet, she still wanted to feel him, to touch him, even if for him, it is meaningless. He made her sad and he is the only one who, perhaps, could undo it. Or make it worse. Catalina couldn't risk it so for now, she chose to put some distance between them.

"It's two days until the Yule Ball and everyone got a partner but me. Even Ron invited Hermione, can you believe it, Catalina?" Harry complained while sipping his pumpkin juice. He threw several looks towards Hermione and Ron who were caught in a conversation.

"Harry, you are fool." Catalina rolled her eyes.

"I know, but I still can't go without a partner. How about you? I could take you." He grinned.

Catalina laughed lightly. "You are sweet, Harry, but I'm not coming." She informed the disappointed boy. He let his head fall on the wooden table, making the plate of food jump.

"I'm screwed." He fake cried.

Catalina looked around the Hall until her eyes landed on Draco. "Maybe I can help you." She smiled devilishly.

"You can?" Harry raised his eyes full of hope.

"Yes. You just wait until tomorrow." She smiled.

They continued eating while Catalina chit chatted with the rest of the Gryffindors. She could not bring herself to sit at the Slytherin table after she mocked and insulted them. She came to realize how full of themselves they were and she didn't like that.

After the lunch was over, she noticed Draco getting up from the table and exiting the Great Hall. She started running after him, dodging the students that were trying to go to their dorms. She slightly pushed past two student from the second year that were blocking the way. "Sorry. Draco!" She shouted after her friend. She took the right corner but he was nowhere to be found.

"Dammit!" She swore under her breath.

It was Friday so no one was in a hurry, except for Draco. He made a habit of going home every weekend and Catalina still haven't found why the sudden change in his behavior.

"The Malfoy Manor." She whispered. She took a turn and headed in the opposite direction, towards Dumbledore's office. He would surely forbid her from using the floo but he can't know if he is still in the Great Hall, still chatting with the other professors about the organization of the Yule Ball.

Looking left and right for any sight of Filch, that would surely tell the Headmaster about her sneaking, she noticed that the hallway leading to Dumbledore's office was empty. The stairs leading there were uncovered and luckily enough, she knew the password from professor McGonagall. "Popsicle." she said the password and watched the door in front of her opening and revealing the huge room in which the Headmaster spent most of his time. The girl took a second to admire the imposing decorations that never failed to leave her in awe and the majestic Phoenix bird. Remembering what she was here for, she hurried to the fireplace and instantly was swallowed by green flames.

She blinked a few times and when she opened her eyes, the dining hall of the Malfoy Manor greeted her. All the drapes were pulled and the chairs were scattered around randomly like there was a meeting and the guests left in a hurry.

A chill ran down her spine, feeling a threatening aura still present in the room. Usually, the Malfoys took a lot of pride in keeping their Manor clean but it seemed like today was the exception. 

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