Chapter 47: In your eyes

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*Three days later*

Catalina took Lucille into her arms and apparated in the nearby of the Malfoy Manor. The little girl was quite excited to meet the Prince from the story that her dad told her about, she had so many questions for him, and she was also curious how was he like. To Catalina's surprise, her daughter was really perceptive about the shocking news. She always considered her daughter to be kind and smart but never thought that she would take the news so well.

Lucille blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands. "I hate thing thing, mommy!" She told Catalina, referring to apparation. Catalina only chuckled.

"It will get better once you learn to do it on your own." She caressed her daughter's pretty hair that shined into the sunlight, making it seem golden blonde.

"Yikes, I will walk." She wrinkled her small and cute nose.

"How about walk now, then, young lady?!" Catalina placed her daughter down, on her feet, earning a frustrated puff from her. She raised an eyebrow and folded her arms to her chest. "Do not look at me like that!" She scolded her daughter. "I won't spoil you."

Lucille's attention was caught by the wand Catalina held in her hand. Her eyes gleamed upon seeing the silver snake on top of it with sapphire eyes. "Wow, mommy! Is that your new wand?" She pointed out.

"No. I just borrowed it from your other father so we can come here more easly and visit him." She explained patiently while grabbing her tiny hand.

"I want a wand like that!" Lucille beamed, making Catalina chuckled.

"Hmm, we will see how you behave until then." They started walking towards the tall and dark manor that could be spotted not far away. All sorts of memories flooded Catalina's mind, from meeting him for the first time, to their first night together, to Draco finding out about them and to Voldemort and Bellatrix torturing her. She squeezed her daughter's hand tighter as a shiver ran down her spine and remembered how she almost lost her. The girl wondered how her life would have been without the tiny one, but she was glad that she didn't have that.

As they reached the front gardens, Lucille looked excitedly around. The thorny bushes and the dark plants surrounding the manor were still there, giving it a creepy aura, but to Catalina, it felt like home.

The little girl with blue eyes looked up at the Manor, leaving out an audible gasp. "He lives here?"

"Yes, he does." Catalina smiled melancholically.

"Alone?" She turned to her mom with sad eyes.

"Hmm, until now... yes, but do we want him to alone?" She asked her daughter with a hint of suggestion in her voice.

"No, we should stay more with him. It must be scary for him to live here alone." She looked around her again.

"I wouldn't say scary, but it's definitely lonely for him." Catalina smiled down at Lucille as they reached the front door.

Without bothering to knock, she used her wand, pressing it to the door and opening it. The heavy door opened with a squeak, making Lucille a bit afraid.

They both stepped into the house, closing the door behind them. Lucille looked around in awe. She was used to live in a small house and although she loved it and never complained, she also wished to have a bigger room so she could get another pet. Catalina noticed that several things were changed. There were no longer family portraits. Only a painting of Lucius and young Draco but the family ones were definitely missing.

With a flick of her wand, Catalina lit several candles to create a cozy atmosphere that this house needed so much.

They both walked back to the dining hall where the young witch was used to spend her time with Lucius. Well, that and his bedroom. She blushed upon remembering what she shouldn't remember in that moment.

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