Chapter 11: Weird behavior

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Catalina walked back into the room, this time wearing a silk, black bath robe that reached the middle of her thighs. Where the sleeves ended, it had a few centimeters of lace. She admired the beautifully made piece and wished she would be wealthy enough to afford one.

The bed was a mess, the sheets were thrown everywhere and as clean as she was now, she still felt dirty after what she did with Lucius. Merlin help her, she swore to put some distance between her and her friends' father, yet just two hours ago, he buried himself in her like his life depended on it. And to her shame, she loved it and craved more. Sneaking around and having something so forbidden gave her the thrill she needed.

But then again, she was selfish. Draco would hate her, Narcissa would hate her, probably her friends wouldn't look at her the same way if they knew. She was fearful that this decision could affect her whole life and yet, she was willing to risk it all. To feel those butterflies in her belly and her core being on fire. Even though she had sex before, it was never this addictive and intense. The only man she's ever been with is Bill Weasley but everything was so vanilla with him. With Lucius, she discovered a part of herself that she didn't know she had.

"That looks good on you." She heard the oh so familiar voice that startled her. The girl turned around, facing a more relaxed Lucius. This time, he only wore a buttoned white shirt and black trousers.

He closed the space between them, grabbing her by the back of her head and smashing his lips against hers. She moaned into the kiss, letting herself melt. Her hands traveled to his chest, trying to pull him closer but he took a step back instead.

"You shouldn't overwork yourself." He smirked pridefully.

Catalina puffed in annoyance. "Yes, we wouldn't want your wife to hear a second round." She turned her back to him. He grabbed her forearm and forcefully turned her towards his flaring glare.

"What did you just say?" He asked, his voice going lower.

"What is it, Lucius, getting offended when I mention your wife but you have no problem putting your cock in another woman?" She raised her head to look him in the eyes confidently.

He grabbed her throat and pushed her against the nearest wall. She felt like the breath was knocked off of her but she choose to stand her ground.

"Do not speak about her." He growled angrily. "You have no right to speak about her." Catalina felt the tears burning her eyes but she supressed them.

"Do it, choke me harder." She smirked. "You didn't seem this frail back there." She mocked him, motioning towards the messy bed. She saw Lucius gulping and backing off.

"I do not want to hurt you, Catalina." Lucius spoke more softly this time.

Catalina puffed in disgust, crossing her arms to her chest. "What's next? Hexing me then saying you didn't want to hurt me? Yeah, sure." She avoided his eyes. "I get it, Mr. Malfoy, you don't want to damage your fuck toy, isn't it?" She spat, looking into his eyes with fury.

"Don't say that." He cupped her face. She felt the warmth of his hand on her skin and she felt like it drove her insane.

"Then why? Why you don't want me to bring up your marriage? Why do I have to be so sneaky about it?" She asked more calmly this time.

"It's complicated." He answered simply.

"Then make it easier for me to understand." She pleaded.

Lucius took a step back. "You should go to sleep." He just said simply. He watched how she hung her head low, strands of hair falling on each side of her face. She looked hurt and vulnerable and he wanted nothing more than to hold her to his chest. But he couldn't. He knew she was right about everything but admitting it, it would only hurt her more. He could not destroy his family and his reputation because of a young witch that made his heart flutter a bit and made him hard, for that matter. He knew he was on the edge because he never felt those things with Narcissa. It was a new feeling to him. He was always meant to marry Narcissa ever since he was 19 and he never had a reason to oppose or question it, he did his duty for the Malfoy name... until now. He felt like everything that he has built was crumbling over him. And all because of a pair of hazel eyes that looked at him oh so innocently. She was everything that he was not. She radiated love, empathy, kindness whilst he was only darkness, pride, jealousy, cruelty. They were total opposites and yet...

After Lucius left the room, Catalina let out all her hurt. It hurt like hell and the worst thing was that she was willing to let him get everything he wanted from her because she found herself wanting him close at all costs.


The next morning, Catalina went downstairs with her eyes bloodshot.

"Good morning, Catalina." Narcissa greeted her with a big smile on her face. It only made Catalina quiver.

"Good morning, Mrs. Malfoy." She said with her voice barely audible. Her throat hurt when she spoke.

"How did you sleep? Eveything alright?" She asked nicely, concern being written all over her face. She noticed her messy hair and the dried tears on her face.

"Yes, I just... I didn't feel well after the fight." She half lied. Narcissa nodded in understanding.

"Well, take your time. Do you want me to send a letter to Draco to tell him to come home?" She asked worriedly.

"No, Mrs. Malfoy, it's fine." She forced a laugh. "I need to go back to Hogwarts. As forgiving as most professors are, Professor Snape would never take lightly my absence in his class." She pushed her hair back.

"Alright, dear. Come visit us when you can. You are always welcomed here." Narcissa gave her a bright smile.

She forced another laugh. "I bet."

The young witch went to the chimney and disappeared into bright green flames.


"-and I am telling you, Severus, we must find her as quickly as we can." Albus said but was interrupted by the bright green flames from his own chimney. Both Dumbledore and Professor Snape turned their heads towards it, noticing a barely standing Catalina.

"Merlin's beard, where have you been girl?" Dumbledore rushed to her side, letting her find support on him. "We thought the Death Eaters took you."

She coughed twice. "No, Mr. Malfoy was kind enough to rescue me from that mess." She told the two professors. 

Dumbledore threw Severus a weird look that didn't go unnoticed by Catalina. It was like they were talking through their eyes about something she shouldn't know.

"And how did that go?"  Dumbledore asked curiously.

"I just rested a bit and insisted to come back to Hogwarts." Her hand went to her temple and massaged it lightly. "Sorry, I have a really bad headache from the lack of sleep." She laughed bitterly.

"Severus, will you..." Dumbledore motioned towards the girl that couldn't stand on her own.

Snape went to her other side and helped the girl walk out of the Headmaster's office and down the stairs until they reached his storage full of potions.

He climbed the wooden leader until he reached the last shelf. He came back down with a small vial that contained a dark green liquid. He held it in front of the girl who had her eyelids half closed. "This is for your head ache." He handed her the vial which she gulped.

"Thank you, Professor." She turned around to leave but Snape slammed the door shut in front of her. Catalina jumped slightly, turning around to face him. His tall frame was hovering over her and she never noticed how tall he really was compared to her, until now.

"You should be aware around the Malfoys." He spoke in his unbothered, baritone voice.

"Why?" She asked, curiously.

"They are not to be trusted." He simply stated.

Catalina gulped but nodded her head nonetheless. Why was everyone so wary when it came to the Malfoys? Even though everything seemed to point towards something really serious and bad, she knew she couldn't stay away from Lucius. And in the meantime, she decided to find out why everyone acted so strange.

Snape took his hand off the door and let Catalina leave his storage room, wondering what her own Professor and the Headmaster wouldn't tell her.


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